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timewellwasted5 t1_it14vpk wrote

I actually don’t know anything about the kid in Philly, but I will look into it. This is the first I’ve heard of that story.

Now, what I have heard about is that major corporations, Starbucks, McDonald’s, you name it, are all closing stores in the center of cities. These are not republican cities. These are democratic cities. Can you tell me what the problem is?


SpectacledReprobate t1_it17tgv wrote

> I actually don’t know anything about the kid in Philly, but I will look into it. This is the first I’ve heard of that story.

“I’m either lying or extremely uninformed” isn’t really the out you think it is.

> Now, what I have heard about is that major corporations, Starbucks, McDonald’s, you name it, are all closing stores in the center of cities.

> These are not republican cities. Can you tell me what the problem is?

So a quick google search of “England store close crime” gives me examples of stories outside the US closing due to increased crime rates.

Are Democrats responsible for that too?

The most violent states in the union are mostly run by Rs. This insane little blame game of yours needs to stop.


timewellwasted5 t1_it2ayul wrote

Dude, I have no idea what is wrong with you but I legitimately did not hear about that story about the kid. I’m not really sure how else to explain that I didn’t hear about a news story that you’re talking about…not sure what you’re getting at there.


Dat_Boi_Aint_Right t1_it7xxvy wrote

Then you're really not qualified to speak on this issue as you're ignorant of a huge story regarding the very topic you're trying to discuss.

What value is your opinion if it's from a position of ignorance?


[deleted] t1_it84wbw wrote



Dat_Boi_Aint_Right t1_itch8vj wrote

If you don't know about that incident you're clearly ignorant of the situation so your opinion isn't really worth anything.

Don't feel bad, as you said it's Reddit, so there's lots of ignorant opinions here. I just thought you might not want to be one of them.