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Bobtom42 t1_it21kr2 wrote

You can get custom posted signs, just make one that says no ATV/UTVs. I'm wondering if your drive is a trail on some maps. Alot of these maps use AI to generate the maps and they make mistakes.


srpayj t1_it22zjs wrote

Yes check this. Google maps has lots of private lanes and drives shown in rural PA. I am guessing they are on township maps.

Unfortunately in rural areas you have to mark drives/lanes private and post property. The new method using purple paint makes it a lot easier. Not sure how well recognized that is yet.


Remote-Math4184 t1_it2npwp wrote

That paint fades so fast, it is nearly impossible to see. Use weatherproof signs.


ScienceWasLove t1_it41d7b wrote

Aluminum/plastic signs on eBay are cheaper and longer lasting vs purple paint. I agree.


nickisaboss t1_it3xxk8 wrote

I've been curious about this! I've been seeing purple paint EVERYWHERE and have been thinking "there's no way that this is ALL owned by a single person" lololol


HelpfulManufacturer0 t1_it24zgf wrote

If I’m remembering correct there is no ATV/UTV riding allowed in any PA Gamelands.


eviljelloman t1_it25qtw wrote

It’s not allowed but goes largely un-enforced.


ho_merjpimpson t1_it2skqb wrote

For the vast majority of the state, that is simply not true. ATV's on PA gamelands is actually one of the most heavily enforced things on the gamelands. You do not want to fuck around with that.


SickeningPink t1_it4hq1b wrote

If you get caught up in my neck of the literal woods, you’re FUCKED.


bhans773 t1_it2m3d2 wrote

In Schuylkill County, the wardens are pretty active and helpful.


OkContribution420 t1_it2dk11 wrote

They’re also not allowed on roadways, but we see how well that works in Philly.


woodysbackinpa t1_it2r3g9 wrote

The mayor,Kinney has told the Philly cops not to chase or harass ATV’s on the streets of Philly


jaymz168 t1_it43b8h wrote

That's been policy since at least somewhere around 2010-2011, maybe earlier. I remember because where I was living at the time had a lot of dirtbike/ATV activity. The cops chased one, the ATV driver hit and injured/killed a pedestrian trying to flee, and now here we are.

I'll agree that Philly is a total shitshow right now but it can't all be laid at Kenney's/Krasner's feet. PPD has been completely useless for a looooong time. Living at that same place I heard a woman get kidnapped, screaming for her life as her voice faded away with the vehicle she'd been dragged into. I called 911 several times with no answer so I called the police district. Their reaction was literally "what do you want us to do about it?" This was over ten years ago. Around the same time I was robbed at gunpoint west of Drexel campus and the police insisted on filing it as a theft, not a robbery. I can go on and on and on.

edit: and for the record I voted for both of them and I'm really disappointed in them both. I'm seriously disappointed in our city from top to bottom, honestly


huzernayme t1_it3b5fp wrote

In small towns there are municipal permits for atvs and designated roads, mostly dirt. Farmers can also take pretty much anything on a road up to even children driving trucks.


snuffy_tentpeg t1_it2pyrn wrote

Circling a cop car, taunting them to do something.

People learn from what they see. Riots burning centers of cities. Buildings looted, and burned with no consequences.


wastedsanitythefirst t1_it35wqb wrote

There were over 10,000 arrests stemming from the protests last summer but you ignore that because you just want to bitch


Griff82 OP t1_it2j6n4 wrote

Thanks. Signage is probably the way to go. I hadn’t thought about a potential Google mapping issue.


CrzyDave t1_it2n9f6 wrote

They may have been lost or had a reason they needed to get to a real road ASAP. I was up in Snowshoe RTT and got off trail once and ended up on someone’s private road by accident. I got out of there as quickly and quietly as possible. I get lost around my house on my dirtbike all the time. This also happened to me on my mountain bike, and I just had to get to a road since I was miles off course and getting really thirsty. Hopefully this was a one time event for you.


ho_merjpimpson t1_it2u0bi wrote

i will second this. In many high atv traffic areas there can be unwritten rules between land owners that posted signs are for other uses... hunting, etc... and atv trails are open for all unless specifically posted. for example, in the area we own land, posted signs are essentially ignored outside of hunting season, and between a few dozen landowners there is a huge network of atv trails that goes through all the different properties. during hunting season, we know to stay to our own properties.

now, you put up a "no atv's past this point" sign... well, then things change. that means you dont ride on that property, or down that trail unless you have permission.

so id suggest putting up a sign specific saying no ATV/UTV's first. might you get a couple random morons? sure. but that is going to happen no matter what outdoor activity people are doing. hiking, biking, hunting, atvs...


mudclog t1_it3pyhb wrote

Definitely check openstreetmap. A lot of other apps will use openstreetmap data, so if there's a trail on there it will show up elsewhere. If it's your property you can delete the trails or mark them as private.


JBupp t1_it2kcf1 wrote


They let the public edit the database, they have trails, and other mapping software use their data. I've seen and edited out obsolete trail data.


jimmyrocks t1_it2u49w wrote

As someone who works very closely with trail data and OpenStreetMap, please go in to open street map and mark trails that are actually private as private! If you need help, have any questions, or just want someone else to make the actual edits, please message me, or go on /r/OpenStreetMap


JBupp t1_it3ib5w wrote

I did not know they had their own reddit - thanks.