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james97go t1_itbcjnm wrote

You make good points but the truth of the matter is that the vast, vast majority of of people that claim to be transsexuals do not have aberrant chromosomes and are not born with abnormal genitalia.


IamSauerKraut t1_itc0zlj wrote

And what of it? If a kid wants to wear a dress, let the kid wear a dress. Or jeans. Just leave the kids alone.


james97go t1_itc9feg wrote

Oh I am absolutely fine with leaving kids alone. Just do not expect everyone to believe the delusion that a boy dressed like a girl is actually a female.


IamSauerKraut t1_itcdxrd wrote

Who cares what you believe? If the kid is not yours, who are you to have a say in how they present themselves? I personally do not care for tats on kids but I don't make derogatory comments to or about that kid. Not my place. Not yours, either.


james97go t1_itd6tuc wrote

You are correct in that what I believe or what you believe and for that matter what some confused kid believes doesn't matter really. What matters is the truth. IDC if a kid thinks they are a fairy princess,or a cowboy I would play along with their imaginary reality for a bit but I would never suspend reality and tell the kid to go ahead and fly away by jumping off a roof or let them go and ride a bull. In reality they really aren't fairy princesses or cowboys, they just think they are.
