
james97go t1_j2ny28u wrote

Depends on what you're looking for and what your situation is. (Single/ married w kids etc. ) Squirrel Hill, Shadyside area is nice but pricey. Munhall is affordable but the commute to dahntahn by bus is cumbersome though not intolerable. Where will you be working exactly. Southside? Dahntahn? Oakland? That is important in determining your commutes. All in all Pittsburgh is a great big small town with all of it's unique neighborhoods. Good Luck!


james97go t1_ituwzk2 wrote

I am serious. I used to come home to a house full of gay kids putting on makeup, playing the piano and singing and generally just being kids. They loved my place because it was safe and more importantly they loved my kids. I shit you not. I am sorry that my truth doesn't fit your bigoted biases.


james97go t1_ituollu wrote

I always considered my self pretty good at reading comprehension but I fail to see how you are able to go from the question of John Fetterman's health to a position that questioning his ability makes me a bigot that doesn't consider LBGTs as human beings. Please enlighten me as to your thought processes that somehow link the subject at hand (Fettermans's health) to your conclusion that I am a bigot that doesn't care for LGBTs. Oh and on a side note ,just to let you know my house was always considered a safe house for the teen LGBT community when my kids were growing up.


james97go t1_itd6tuc wrote

You are correct in that what I believe or what you believe and for that matter what some confused kid believes doesn't matter really. What matters is the truth. IDC if a kid thinks they are a fairy princess,or a cowboy I would play along with their imaginary reality for a bit but I would never suspend reality and tell the kid to go ahead and fly away by jumping off a roof or let them go and ride a bull. In reality they really aren't fairy princesses or cowboys, they just think they are.
