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Coolguy200 t1_iu0c32h wrote

I loved that Fetterman opposed fracking. Now he said he never has?? Literally spit out my water as environment issues are my only voting issue. Not going to vote at all now.


YangforPresident t1_iu0jvjb wrote

He’s going to the senate. They’ll vote on issues. Republicans will always vote no on climate issues. You’re not helping by sitting it out. You need to think bigger


LetsPlayCanasta t1_iu0mc17 wrote

He's as likely to go to the Senate as Yang is going to the White House.


YangforPresident t1_iu1d2qg wrote

I don’t even care for Yang much anymore but my point still stands. And yeah of course if people do go out and vote he won’t win, go figure


Coolguy200 t1_iu0ltti wrote

So I need to vote for someone that literally just said they are against environmental issues? How does that help anything?


flow3rpowr t1_iugkniq wrote

I genuinely hope the average pennsylvanian voter isnt this void of critical thinking.


Annahsbananas t1_iu14mqv wrote

Jesus christ it's people like you that pisses me off.

"I'm not gonna vote" like a goddamn spoiled child pissed in his yogurt

People have died to fight for their right to vote and you treat it like some damn Karen behavior


Least-Sky6722 t1_iu36iop wrote

I agree Fetterman showed his colors with that one, if he can't stand up for environmental issues now, he definitely won't once he gets tied up in corpo energy money, I've seen this play out too many times before. I'm staying home, they both suck.


scycon t1_iu474e9 wrote

So concede the office to a Republican who will 100% not support environmental issues, give republicans control of congress and ensure zero environmental policy passes and tank the entire democratic agenda so that Biden is unpopular going into 2024 so Republicans can swoop in and continue shaping the judiciary with anti-environmental judges that are appointed for life?

Use your brain, fucks sake.


scycon t1_iu46rjw wrote

Step back and look at the forest through the trees.

  1. Republicans support fracking and don’t give a shit about the environment. If they win control of the senate, you may as well just quit caring about the environment because the democratic legislative agenda will come to a screeching halt and if we face crisis in the next two years, a Republican congress will do nothing and likely sweep 2024.

  2. A Republican senate will halt all judicial appointments and I’m sure as an environmentalist you are aware of the current courts shaped by Republicans are gutting environmental regulation all over the place.

I am pleading with you to think about actual policy outcomes of Fetterman losing. At the end of the day he has intelligent, hard working staffers that do all the real work, just like every other congressional office.


adwvn t1_iu48aiy wrote

Yes, he supports fracking and is a war hawk. Funny how these politicians want to present themselves with "progressive" branding but actually are just typical war mongering capitalists like anyone else in the Democratic/Republicican party.


flow3rpowr t1_iugkkmj wrote

This is an immensely privileged position. Just fuck all the minorities suffering from other issues then? Selfish af.