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bikingwithscissors t1_iu3v7zd wrote


psychcaptain t1_iu3z0xw wrote

How's is this a real life example? The guy broke the law, and will spends years in jail?

You might as well be saying 'Murders happen, so we might as well never outlaw murders'.

I think it's a good thing this guy is going to jail for selling guns. Now let's take it a step further.


chonkypot t1_iu3zpaw wrote

I think the other guy is saying that this is a prime example of why NOT to outlaw guns, because even the police will sell guns to you illegally. If you were to outlaw guns, only the non-law abiding citizens would have them.


psychcaptain t1_iu464y4 wrote

And if you outlaw tanks only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw fighter jets, only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw rocket propelled grenade launchers, only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw biological weapons, only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw missiles, only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw giant mech robots, than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw Time Machines, than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw unicorns than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw dreams than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw comics, than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.

And if you outlaw dooms day machines, than only non-law abiding citizens would have them.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_iu4uq1d wrote

Simpleton gonna be a simpleton ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โ˜ ๏ธ


psychcaptain t1_iu4uzrg wrote

Just trying to write to your reading and comprehension level.

Which is to say, I think you should be very angry at your teachers and family right now, because they obviously let you down.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_iu4vr5g wrote

Keep being a simpleton, simpleton ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธ


psychcaptain t1_iu4w9if wrote

Nah, there comes a time when you realize that the pig enjoys the mud, and I don't.

I'm off. I hope you find whatever you are looking for in life, Random Internet Person, and hopefully, whatever is, is wonderful and great, and not base or twisted.


Boring-Rhubarb t1_iu500jb wrote

Simpleton gonna keep being a simpleton ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธ


bikingwithscissors t1_iu3zef3 wrote

It's a real life example because it's a cop selling guns illegally, disproving the idea that cops are the only ones responsible enough to be trusted with guns. Mexico is a broader example of how corrupt states with a monopoly on violence become incestuously connected to the criminal underground.


Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_iu476mq wrote

That user is unfortunately a habitual liar. They have made some pretty bogus claims throughout this post.


psychcaptain t1_iu46dd4 wrote

And Netherlands and Germany are examples of peaceful nations that super strict gun control, in which none of that happens.

Oh and France. United Kingdom S. Korea New Zealand Australia Belgium Luxembourg Italy Spain Japan
