
bikingwithscissors t1_j9tdm51 wrote

There was a thread yesterday on the Philly sub about people reporting breathing difficulties. Lots of speculation about early allergens, but one of the posts included a satellite map of carbon monoxide concentrations in our region. Yesterday Eastern PA/NJ/NY was the second largest hotspot of CO on the planet next to all of eastern China, and the plume is forecast to return Sat-Sun:,40.424,-76.965,8

CO is odorless but I wonder if there's any correlation with other industrial particulates?


bikingwithscissors t1_ixmfnus wrote

When I first moved here, I legitimately thought they were a scam. A decade later, I know they, in fact, are a scam. They belong in federal prison. They basically commit mail fraud, and they've been ramping up their efforts for the last few years sending blanket letters claiming money owed which is not.


bikingwithscissors t1_iu481nd wrote

If you look at the experimental design for some of those studies, one of them involved opening up a dog's chest, attaching a pacemaker to the heart to simulate tachycardia, and then pumping various drugs into the dog to see if any slowed down the heart rate... which surprise surprise, none did because drugs don't stop a pacemaker. That one alone involved around 30 dogs. The experimental design was inherently flawed and it puzzles me how the proposal made it past the university's ethics board.


bikingwithscissors t1_iu3zef3 wrote

It's a real life example because it's a cop selling guns illegally, disproving the idea that cops are the only ones responsible enough to be trusted with guns. Mexico is a broader example of how corrupt states with a monopoly on violence become incestuously connected to the criminal underground.