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Tarcanus t1_iu49sk7 wrote

Gotta stop reading clickbait. The article that claims the turnpike is the most expensive in the world is bunk.

It costs $95.20 to go east to west on the turnpike, 360 miles.

The next most expensive the "study" says is a road in Austria that costs $45.43 but is only 29.7 miles long.

The Austrian road comes out to 1.5 dollars per mile, and the turnpike is .26.

The PA Turnpike is not the most expensive at all. It's just 360 miles long and a full trip adds up.


No-Setting9690 t1_iu4a8rh wrote

No, you just provided my point. The most expensive is from end to end not per mile.


Tarcanus t1_iu4as1t wrote

What sense does it make to criticize it for that though? And what logic is there to comparing a 360 mile long roadway to a 30 mile long roadway?

That's such a HUGE false comparison.

Now, if there is another 360 mile long turnpike, let's compare THAT to the PA Turnpike, then you'll have an accurate comparison.

Of course the turnpike will have a higher cost because it's longer.

Just from a casual Google, it looks like the New York Thruway is over 100 miles longer than PA Turnpike and is much cheaper. Why not compare those?


No-Setting9690 t1_iu4d7iq wrote

SMH. Dude this your first day in statistics? You ever see MPG vs mileage per tank? There are many stats that have multiple ways of looking at them. Football, total points, points per game, points per run. Each is different.
I already stated which stat I'm talking about.


Tarcanus t1_iu4e1c3 wrote

So you're saying you want to be disingenuous and use whichever stat lets you say the turnpike is the most expensive even after shown information that factually says it's not? So, you want to use the example of tractor trailers or something, then, instead of typical 2 axle vehicles?


No-Setting9690 t1_iu4fcbd wrote

It is factual, you don't like it because it's calculated differently than you want.
You know nothing of statistics, how information is looked and data analysis.
Move along.


Tarcanus t1_iu4fzmv wrote

Provide your source data, then, as I'd like to be accurate.

Anything I've seen is comparing apples to oranges.


No-Setting9690 t1_iu4i3rq wrote

You are going out of your way to make it apples to oranges. The dataset is for end to end. You are the one who brought up per mile.
Let me guess you don't know the difference between quickest and fastest car?


Tarcanus t1_iu4ieix wrote

Yes, the dataset is for end to end, but only focusing on that ignores the length of the road which is incredibly important.

I was trying to break it down further to show how the cost is not the most expensive in the world.

The Turnpike is one of the longest in the world, which causes the price to be higher.

Complaining about the price is basically complaining the roadway is long. And that's ridiculous.

So, I'm asking if you have any data that compares same lengths of roadway, because that would actually determine how expensive it is.


No-Setting9690 t1_iu4it3s wrote

It still does not change the fact it is the most expensive end to end. I am not arguing it's the most expensive per mile. You're talking in circles and for some reason cannot grasp it's not the same discussion.


Tarcanus t1_iu4j77q wrote

Because it isn't the same discussion. Length of road correlates to more expensive trip end-to-end. That's why I broke it down to per-mile, because that's more accurate and removes length of roadway as a consideration.

It's increasingly looking like you're just stirring the pot by adding to the "turnpike is so expensive" circlejerk that happens on here every other week. You spout the miscontrued data of being most expensive, but ignore anything else that debunks that, then the others who won't look at the nuance jump on and agree with you.


No-Setting9690 t1_iu4jrbc wrote

I'm sorry you don't have the intelligence to understand both are correct, both are different data points and that the length does not matter for what I am saying. IT IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE IN THE WORLD period.


Tarcanus t1_iu4k7g5 wrote

Without the nuance of additional variables, sure. But actually interpreting it well means it's not the most expensive in reality. You're taking a data point and ignoring every other bit if nuance. And you've resorted to name-calling. Have a good one, but you've proven to be a troll.


No-Setting9690 t1_iu4l5qu wrote

Haha please point out the name calling. Go back to playing your pokemon and leave the datasets to adults.


pkwys t1_iu63723 wrote

What's your deal simping for a toll road this hard?


Tarcanus t1_iu63dd6 wrote

Not simping. Fed up with the biweekly circlejerks against the Turnpike on this sub using incorrect data or poor understanding of the data.

If someone wants to complain about the prices, they should at least get it right.


DirtyHippyBastard t1_iu6a97w wrote

Jumps into every negative reply regardless of whether any data is mentioned, but is definitely not simping.


pkwys t1_iu6ibkd wrote

Such an inconsequential thing to get on about lol