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James19991 t1_iusrmpb wrote

I don't understand how it's so hard for people to follow easy instructions.

I just dropped my ballot off in person since I was in Downtown Pittsburgh anyway today, and the woman taking them asked to make sure the envelope was signed and dated, and that second envelope was used too.


IJellyWackerI t1_iusy2yf wrote

On my ballot the date line is practically hidden as a break line between sections. Not clearly defining it as a separate location for something to be filled in. Honestly I probably would have missed it if I wasn’t paying attention.

Also as an aside, having to date something that requires delivery before a certain date is stupid.


James19991 t1_iusyozj wrote

Which county are you in? I would have thought the envelopes would be the same regardless of county, but I guess not. Like the OP, I'm in Allegheny County where the date line is impossible to miss.

I do agree though needing to date it is stupid as fuck considering it will be postmarked with one.


Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_iutkapv wrote

Lehigh County's envelope is definitely different from Allegheny's, but it's still pretty clear that you have to fill out the date.

Postmarks don't matter, by the way. Ballots have to be received by election day. And they don't actually care what date you write on the envelope, as long as it's not blank.


IJellyWackerI t1_iusz0by wrote

Probably has to do with the fact the Reds rule my county. Southcentral PA.


James19991 t1_iut1w28 wrote

Oof yeah. I hope people were careful before mailing in their ballots.


RecallRethuglicans t1_iut79zw wrote

> I don’t understand how it’s so hard for people to follow easy instructions.

Instructions are a poll tax. People should not be punished for being lazy or ignorant. Every vote matters.


James19991 t1_iut7o3p wrote

Good luck getting through life if you can't follow instructions regularly...


RecallRethuglicans t1_iuutcs1 wrote

That’s the point of government. They should be able to help me anyways.


kormer t1_iuwih8j wrote

Ask not what forms you can fill out for your government, but ask what forms your government can fill out for you!