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steelceasar t1_ivm8o9r wrote

So here is how logic and reality work. If you make an assertion that there is something happening (fraud in this case) you have to provide evidence, you can't just make a statement and say your vote doesn't count until you prove that fraud doesn't exist. Typically this is referred to as the burden of proof.

Now if you are saying that there is evidence that Republicans want to disenfranchise voters then yes you are correct and we agree.


Jaymart321 t1_ivm90ij wrote

You’re all twisted up like a pretzel friend. Lol


tyrael459 t1_ivmppnd wrote

You got owned, good sir or madame. Take it on the chin and move on. I won’t tell any of your friends, I promise.

I will eat that pretzel if you’re not going to, though. I like a little mustard on my pretzel. Unless it’s Aunt Anne’s, then nothing else is required.