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Knarrenheinz1989 t1_ivnti2f wrote

My vote helped flip my house district red for the first time in almost 30 years.


nouveau_user t1_ivo4ylo wrote

You're honestly boasting that you help set your district back 70 years?


AlienOverlord53 t1_ivo4dvj wrote

Sorry bud, this is reddit. No freedom of speech, only "dems good, republicans bad"


FarmersHusband t1_ivo4pbs wrote

How do you guys still have no idea what free speech is?


paperdolllll t1_ivo5mla wrote

It's so bad that I almost think they must be doing it intentionally.


No-Professional-1884 t1_ivo7up5 wrote

Reddit has the same proportionate amount of Dems and Repubs as real life, it’s just here it’s not gerrymandered


Doug4Prison t1_ivobqod wrote

It is crazy how they let people vote that don't know that freedom of speech doesn't extend to a private company. Wild


AlienOverlord53 t1_ivocpkv wrote

🤣 my point is that if you voice a right leaning belief, you get talked down to and looked down on. A left belief is applauded and cheered. Another post on this sub said "there are too many political signs up, we should stop creating so much litter" and the guy who said "yeah I'm sick of seeing FJB and Trump signs" got 40+upvotes amd people agreeing, and the guy who said "yeah I'm sick of seeing Bernie sanders signs" got downvoted into oblivion. Despite the fact that the entire post was about signs as a whole, not certain party signs. So both statements should be viewed equally

Saying that republicans have freedom of speech in 2022 is like saying the LGBT community had it in the 80s. Sure, you can voice your opinion, but nobody is going to like it.


Shawna_Love t1_ivoj1jj wrote

My brother in Christ, you are witnessing free speech in action. You are just on the unpopular end of it in this particular scenario.


Doug4Prison t1_ivoiq9o wrote

"Free speech (tm) is something I just totally and arbitrarily made up because it makes my feels feel good"

ok dude sure


LordShtark t1_ivog86h wrote

Rs are soooo repressed /s You got your head so far up your ass you can't smell the shit anymore. Since when has people agreeing with your opinions had anything to do with freedom of speech? You just compared republicans to a minority group that was (and still is) being persecuted by republicans. How a human brain can not see the absolute ridiculousness of that statement is beyond me.


AlienOverlord53 t1_ivogcsu wrote

Did I say repressed? And the only thing I compared is how their speech is demonized


Brigadier_Beavers t1_ivos4xj wrote

Im sorry real life has a liberal bias lol


LordShtark t1_ivohay6 wrote

Yes. When you compared republicans to the very people they repress you said repressed. ffs


Valcon2723 t1_ivom6iy wrote

Maybe it's because you rarely see a Bernie sign and it's not as big of an eye sore as driving up the street with an obnoxious amount or giant trump sign. I don't think I've ever even see a massive Bernie sign. I understand what you are saying but they are two completely different levels of annoying.


AlienOverlord53 t1_ivod3lx wrote

Just to clarify, my ideology leans left, but wow are the democrats stupid sometimes. Yall think "my way or the highway" and don't budge an inch. And then get mad at the Republicans for doing the same.

"Well my way is better" welcome to Earth. Everyone thinks that their point of view is the perfect/least flawed one. But unless you're even willing to listen to the other side, you're just as guilty


Brigadier_Beavers t1_ivorts8 wrote

Notice how your comment is still there? The downvotes dont mean you cant talk, they just mean no one here agrees with you.

And clearly, the state at-large disagreed with you too lmao


joefred111 t1_ivosjbt wrote

TIL that downvoting and even just disagreeing with someone is considered a free speech violation.

Your inner fascist is showing, buddy!