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ANGRY__NED t1_ix2ml1y wrote

Copying a comment of mine from an older post older post that is relevant. The corruption is a bit deeper and had Doug’s fingerprints on it too.

> Doug Mastriano, an elected state Senator wants to initiate a “forensic audit” on specific Pennsylvania counties. > > Walking through the timeline, Doug started this nonsense early on and gave Wake Technology Services a healthcare consulting company with no election audit experience ballots from Fulton county PA. The audit was rushed through with very little paper trail, very little reporting. The audit ultimately gave Wake Technology credibility saying they had election audit experience. Fast forward, Wake technology was used as a subcontractor by Cyber Ninjas thus giving them credibility and audit experience. Doug went out to visit Arizona’s audit claiming it was the golden standard for how audits should be performed and now plans bring it back to PA for a full audit in the counties Biden won. It’s a dirty circle… > > Doug’s campaign spent money to bus people down to the riots, lied about his involvement in the riots and now he wants to use his political power to #stopthesteal and turn over information to 3rd parties he is in cahoots with. This isn’t someone who should have the power that he has. > > I want to add a quote from this news article as well: > > Wake Technology Services, Inc., co-founder Gene Kern and Fulton County’s elections director, IT director and one member of the three-person election board signed a document on Dec. 31 stating that Kern was requesting to check the county’s voting machines and mail-in ballots from the general election.At the bottom of the typed document are handwritten notes stating that Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano set up the audit and that Wake TSI is contracted with Defending the Republic, Powell’s 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. County clerk Lisa Mellott-McConahy identified the handwriting as belonging to Kern. > > PA has already had 2 real audits, but let’s have another instead of fixing the worst roads in the nation.


artful_todger_502 t1_ix3mekg wrote

This is insane. How can this happen? They cannot understand, people really, really just don't like them.

It's a child's way of thinking. "All Dems bad, all Dems cheat"

Even at the federal level where you hear a Lindsey Graham admitting they can't win on policy, or "if 18 yr olds vote, we'll never win another election," they are admitting they have to cheat to win, and then justify it. But yeah, all Dems are cheaters? The toxic remnants of these fraudits, are, they are now considered normal. If young people continue the trend they started this election, we can neuter them in 2024.