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t1_izyt60m wrote

This guy was my teacher. Wild.


t1_izz1d48 wrote

Was there anything off about him that would’ve hinted towards this?


t1_j00gpq6 wrote

Was he pals with that weird tech teacher who has the even weirder science teacher wife?


t1_j00jxw6 wrote

The only tech teacher I remember from the same school.wasnt a weird guy to me imo. I think he was the cross country coach. Edit correction


t1_j02awqc wrote

Yep, that’s the one. He was exceedingly normal IMO. I’m not sure why the person you’re replying to found him weird.


t1_j00k4ac wrote

I’m really sorry I had a teacher who got in trouble also (not for this) but similar. It can be very upsetting no matter how long ago you had them as a teacher.