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t1_izyt60m wrote

This guy was my teacher. Wild.


t1_izz1d48 wrote

Was there anything off about him that would’ve hinted towards this?


t1_j00gpq6 wrote

Was he pals with that weird tech teacher who has the even weirder science teacher wife?


t1_j00jxw6 wrote

The only tech teacher I remember from the same school.wasnt a weird guy to me imo. I think he was the cross country coach. Edit correction


t1_j02awqc wrote

Yep, that’s the one. He was exceedingly normal IMO. I’m not sure why the person you’re replying to found him weird.


t1_j00k4ac wrote

I’m really sorry I had a teacher who got in trouble also (not for this) but similar. It can be very upsetting no matter how long ago you had them as a teacher.


t1_izyfnjz wrote

I don't understand this filth. Let alone how they think they can get away with this shit.


t1_izyk06a wrote

It helps if you understand addiction.

In no way am I justifying it, condoning it or anything like it. I'm as disgusted as you. Absolutely no excuse But addiction is at the root of it. Just like an alcoholic that knows it has destroyed his life but keeps on drinking.

A pedophile continues despite understanding just how wrong it is.


t1_izyrjdh wrote

Aren't pedophiles notorious for believeing they're doing nothing wrong though and that's why it's so hard to rehab them because they don't think it's wrong in the first place?

I've never heard of it described as an addiction before. I knew it was being considered as an orientation in some circles but not an addiction. Porn addiction is absolutely at epidemic levels now though.


t1_izytyij wrote

Pedophilia is very complex and there are different forms and causes, etc. Some understand very well how wrong it is.. and there are some who may not.

Some people who fit the definition of a pedophilia may never act on it. (Many would argue they are not pedophiles I'm sure). Acting on it can become a compulsion which then becomes an addiction. Which seems to be the case in the original post.

I'm not taking more time to explain. There's lots of information at anyone's fingertips using Google.
Here's a fine article on the subject.



t1_izz65s6 wrote

Boy I don't know? I mean pedos thinking there's nothing wrong? There was a pedophile PA ( with a school superintendent playing a helpful role, also Pennsylvania- that guy wasn't accused although no idea why. He sure tried really hard to feed a kid to his pedophile buddy ) who literally plotted to get access to my kid. It was insane and more, we reported the buddy helper. To absolutely no response.

The sheer effort this pedo put in while trying to cover his tracks makes me think he certainly knew it was wrong. He's in prison the last I heard. Thankfully someone finally believed a victim.


t1_j01pga4 wrote

This has been happening way too much recently in PA. Seems like every day or so another school teacher/admin is arrested on something underaged.


t1_j02xmiq wrote

It's sincerely worrying. Had this like 5 year being-a-giant-pain in the ass running conflict with the Dept of Ed and anyone else tangentially responsible for our schools. And yes, we were GIANT pains. It seemed surreal there were simply 100% dead ends on complaints.

Get this. Finally some talking head there told me " If you don't like the way these complaints are handled, then legislate ". SURE? Pretty sure we have elected legislatures, how in hell is it our job?

Absolutely guarantee if anyone in government at the time uses the PA Reddit I just gave them a headache. And yes, it's me. Hi.


t1_j031hq9 wrote

I'm see this more and more in anything that is done. Whether gov't, private companies, neighbors. No one cares. No one wants to do what's right.


t1_j06abcj wrote

It seems that way doesn't it? Before this fiasco it simply never occurred to me this stuff would not be a matter of " Look! A crime! Look! There's the criminal collecting his hefty tax dollar funded salary and oh by the way, you have the proof ". Like to add this guy also had a connection and not a slight one with one of the most heinous child abuse murders in Harrisburg history.

It took a LOT of people both looking the other way and huddling behind a myriad obfuscating ' correct procedure ' dodges to pull off what occurred. I.e. nobody cares as you said.

Can't wait to see how many alarms were pulled on this guy before he was finally investigated. IF that part makes the news.


t1_izz0rr7 wrote

There is a VICE video on loli hentai in Japan. They interview a dude who draws it who thinks it's not wrong. They also interview a dude who was caught sexually molesting kids. The former said it wasn't wrong and was an outlet for the latter. The latter said that the comics caused him to act on his tendency.

Here's the video:


t1_j00955e wrote

I tried to watch that video and I couldn't finish it because it was that stomach churning.


t1_j00kj7k wrote

I have been trying to say anime girls are drawn to look way young sometimes like under 18 and it can’t just be overlooked. Yet it is and so many people make the art themselves.


t1_izzb1nc wrote

I’m sure there is a spectrum for reasons here. Sometimes I’m sure it’s that they don’t think it’s wrong.

Sometimes they do know it’s wrong but compulsions can be overwhelming. Just like with serial killers. They often times simply cannot help themselves. The same goes for addicts. They just can’t stop themselves.


t1_j01dr3p wrote

Rationalizing your addiction is a core piece of addiction, and addiction is absolutely a mental disorder.


t1_izz9lqe wrote

Lotta serial killers, though not all, are like this as well. Dahmer was a classic example. He knew what he was doing, he was concerned about it, if not outright disgusted, but he knew it was wrong, was evil. But it ended up being a coping mechanism for his particular untreated mental illness, to which he became completely addicted. He knew he'd get caught eventually, but he couldn't stop.


t1_izymgrp wrote

I get that it could be similar to addiction in that he has a compulsion to do it that he can't resist, but I don't know if it's the same. An addict has physical withdrawals if they don't get their fix. Addiction withdrawals can be very debilitating. It seems to me that pedophiles don't have the self-control to stifle their compulsions. I do plenty of things that I know are bad for me, but I can and do also can stop myself.


t1_izyo1pa wrote

Addiction can be physical or mental or a combination of both. Either way it is chemical based whether it's in our brain or the whole body. Both can be debilitating. But not always.
Example: I'm addicted to caffeine in the morning. It's mental but I get headaches if I don't drink my coffee.

It's not debilitating and is quite enjoyable to me. Why stop? As I said in my original reply... It helps to have an good understanding of how addiction works.

It's not simple and is most often quite quite complex as in pedophilia.


t1_izyzpy3 wrote

You can addicted to behaviors, or more specifically the good feeling those behaviors cause. Gambling is an addiction 2 million people in the US struggle with and there is no physical withdrawal.


t1_j02z93g wrote

I would argue that any compulsory repetition will become habit forming eventually, because life wants to find harmony with its environment, and in any context of life aside from modern humans, whatever you encounter routinely is a factor that needs to be adapted to in order to survive. I do not think that dopamine is required for this to occur. Cognitive dissonance, bias, and reflex alone suggest your neurons really want to use what they know already instead of unlearning and re-learning, which is why rehabilitation of any poor conduct is difficult. If you learned self-destructive or outwardly harmful patterns, that is what your brain knows how to apply and it wants to work with what it has just like any other brain.


t1_izz17es wrote

Yeah. Just like the addiction to kill people. Understanding it's an addiction helps. /s


t1_izz81kk wrote

Certainly is important to understand why people do awful things isn't it? We can prevent others from doing the same thing.


t1_izzkgri wrote

Yeah, knowing how serial killers tick makes it easier to catch them


t1_j00f2ct wrote

Pedophilia is an addiction? Looking at naked kids is an addiction?? Watching little kids be sexually abused is an addiction? What a weak-assed bunch of nonsense.

Mr. Titz is a sick motherbleeper. Stick his stupid arse into the Big House in Camp Hill.


t1_izz2q6o wrote



t1_izz8jfe wrote

That's true. I'm not sure who said it is.

However, both are addictions. They have that in common.


t1_izzgtmr wrote



t1_izzme5b wrote

Always some negative jerk.

You have zero idea what you're talking about. My statement you posted as your evidence does not refer to physical addiction. Merely addiction in general. Therefore you're wrong.

You have much to learn about addiction. And you obviously you did not read all my posts in this thread I will block you now.


t1_izz3vcm wrote

He’s probably been doing it for a long time and been getting away with it.


t1_j00gxvx wrote

Let's hope not. But we are likely to never know because neither the SD nor the PD will ever release the results of any investigation they conduct.


t1_j00j329 wrote

Me either. It's disgusting that people engage in this kind of behavior. With all the free sex that exists, it makes no sense. Total sickos!


t1_izyeddr wrote

It’s always the ones you most suspect


t1_izylcqq wrote



t1_izypy0k wrote

Yes that man is a MAGA toting republican… does Helen Keller run ur account?


t1_izz171a wrote

Why does it matter what cult group he follows?

When you see someone who creates this sort of physical appearance you know they are bad news. Like frogs in the wild that are bright colors, animals know are toxic.


t1_j02yp4i wrote

The pink beard was temporary for a breast cancer fundraising goal. The man usually sported his natural hair color.


t1_izytuov wrote

A grown man who dyes his facial hair pink is a weirdo creep? Color me surprised.


t1_j01jowh wrote

This might be the worst string of comments I've seen on Reddit in awhile. Dyed hair ≠ pedo.


t1_izzkrx2 wrote

Lol why are you getting downvoted for this? The guy looks like a creep and low and behold…he’s a creep.


t1_izz46rg wrote

I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, it’s wise to judge a book by its cover.


t1_izzgoij wrote

I knew it was being considered as an orientation in some circles but not an addiction.

Only pedophile circles considered it an orientation.


t1_j01lgov wrote

The only ones who ever talk about it being an orientation are those who attempt to conflate it with trans people or gay people because they hate both of those groups.

In other words, bad faith culture warriors.


t1_j004601 wrote

Odd choice of photos. I worked with him and he sported a natural-colored beard outside of fundraising or school spirit events, as many male teachers do. Case in point that pink beard was for a breast cancer fundraising goal.

I’d like to give the benefit of the doubt, but sure seems like the photo choice is intentional.


t1_j00gi6l wrote

Yah, having a pink beard for breast cancer events does not make a man a pedophile or a weirdo. Looking at kiddie porn, however... heyzeuz h crimminy.


t1_j01l9ha wrote

Absolutely intentional, and indicative of the kinds of editors they hire at fly-by-night operations like this Daily Voice racket.


t1_izzi7tv wrote

I think it’s great that Shapiro’s office has been lobbing haymakers at pedophiles his whole tenure in office.


t1_izz0i85 wrote

> Titzel uploaded "three sexually explicit photos" as well as videos of boys masturbating (thought to be the same video twice with different file names), and a girl stripping and posing for the camera both videos "appear to be self-produced," and we uploaded between April and June, according to the affidavit of probable cause. 

I'm a little confused by this paragraph. "Self produced" implying the children made the videos and he just posted them?

I mean, either way, it's disgusting and dumb as SHIT to upload to a massive service like Kik


t1_j00qcpq wrote

According to the article his wife answered the door when the police showed up to serve their search warrant, and “she knew why the agents were there”. Yikes, I’m curious how long she knew.


t1_j01lieb wrote

Kik is so unbelievably full of that shit and they've done nothing to change that fact.

fucking disgusting


t1_j00mlsb wrote

So shocking. Hershey is such a good school district. I wonder if he has been doing this for years and only just got caught.


t1_j01lmup wrote

Do you think that school districts have the resources to monitor the personal lives of their employees closely enough to stop this kind of behavior?


t1_j02fjiz wrote

No of course not. I was just stating that it seems unlikely that this was his first offense.


t1_j02h2x5 wrote

He would still be in prison if he had gotten caught for it before. Certainly wouldn't have a teaching position.


t1_j02uopv wrote

Of course. It just seems like such a brazen thing to do for the first time. So maybe he uploaded or viewed this type of gross content before and was never caught.


t1_j030hx3 wrote

I just got 25 downvotes and blasted on another post for saying not all teachers are trustworthy.


t1_izybjkx wrote



t1_izyn1u1 wrote

Would love to hear why you're bringing up Anthony Weiner, a person who has had no relevance in the past 5-7 years to anyone except obsessive right wing cringelords.


t1_izyqcfc wrote



t1_izyw3il wrote

Oh, you're really not good at this. You should study some more successful trolls and try things out privately, maybe with family members or your friends in the militia.


t1_izywgfl wrote



t1_izyyvmj wrote

You are racking up the L’s so enthusiastically that I’m starting to feel like I’m being baited by a masochist into helping them ‘get there’.

As a happily married man I am not interested in participating any further, but I hope you find fulfillment somewhere.

Edit: r/ZongMeHoff deleted all his posts, shame.


t1_izz4xda wrote

Dyed hair…. Cheese pizza….Who would have thought?


t1_j007tgs wrote

Hate to break this to you, a lot of normal-looking white guys more commonly do this shit. But I guess that doesn’t fit your attempt at narrative.


t1_j01lxpl wrote

This person is still making Pizzagate references - at the rate they’re going they’re going to be kicking in a window at the US Capitol in about three weeks.


t1_j020api wrote

These people are aggressively stupid.


t1_j02u8y4 wrote

It's wild. They walk around calling people bots or NPC's (or whatever the current thing is), and literally believe the most preposterous nonsense because they people who make it up hate the same people they hate.


t1_izy9ymm wrote

who could have imagined that a person that looks like that would be a pedophile


t1_izyfcv5 wrote

Who could imagine with a response like this that you're not a fucking asshole. Image does not define the person.


t1_izygpq9 wrote

Well said.

The hateful love having their preconceived notions confirmed. Sadly you'll always find people like this, taking a perverse joy in horrible news.


t1_izyapf3 wrote



t1_izyq0h8 wrote

I assume the commenter is implying the teacher is a liberal or even a member of the lgtbq community because of the dyed hair and them being a pedophile fits into their bullshit


t1_izybret wrote



t1_izyclw1 wrote

Except it isn’t, because she’s completely irrelevant to this story and you’re reaching, because that’s what MAGAts do.


t1_izyf38a wrote
