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defusted t1_j1s8swp wrote

Guy I don't think you get the point. For every time the Democrats pull some fuckery, and they do, the Republicans have done it more and done it far worse. Democrats gerrymander, Republicans do it far more and get taken to court over clearly repressive drawn lines. Al Franklin makes a joke about grabbing a sleeping female soldier's breasts so he retires, trump literally brags about grabbing em by the pussy and Republicans go "hehe nice". Obama wasn't allowed to nominate a supreme court justice in his last term, Republicans lose their minds because we try to hold them to the same standard. But none of this matters because idiots like you are going to keep saying dumb shit like "wElL bOtH SiDeS dO iT" which is like saying the newby-McMahon building and Burj Khalifa are both skyscrapers.


kormer t1_j1saipj wrote

So Republicans have broken the rules worse, and that makes it ok for the Democrats to break the rule a little bit less?

Are you on drugs?


defusted t1_j1scsy8 wrote

Once again, completely missing the point. Boy you're stupid.