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cowboyjosh2010 t1_j2y5ly5 wrote

I'm curious what he would do to make up for eliminating school property taxes. When I hear the phrase "school property taxes", what I envision is the portion of real estate property taxes that gets used as revenue for local public school districts to use. I have a general but not well refined critique of this practice, because I think it sucks that the funding of a child's school (and therefore likely the quality of the education available to that child) is so dependent on the perceived property values where that child had the good (or bad) luck of being born. But obviously schools need this portion of their revenue. I think I support (but am not 100% ironclad in this) pooling tax revenue statewide and distributing it to public schools more evenly.

So I think that's where I go next on this subject for Rozzi's position: is that what he would do in lieu of school property taxes? It's hardly like he can eliminate that tax and replace the revenue source with nothing, right? So what's the alternative in his mind?


selectinput t1_j2yu1b5 wrote

There are also places in PA that have a separate school district tax that is not property tax, which you owe as a resident rather than a property owner. I’m not sure how common that is. I’d be curious if that’s something they would push to expand in lieu of a property tax.