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KFCConspiracy t1_j3lzgub wrote

Software engineering manager here (In philadelphia, so I know plenty of graduates, I've interviewed graduates, and I've worked with graduates):

It's fine. There are better that cost the same, and better that cost less. The downsides are the cost is very high, and since it's 5 years for many programs, that extra cost per year adds up even more. There are also way worse programs. Drexel has the coop program which is good because it's a forced internship, but you can get an internship while you're in college elsewhere. It also uses the quarter system instead of semesters, so it's a lot of material compressed into a very short time, so it can be hard to get a thorough understanding of things.

The other thing I'll say, it's a place where you get out of it what you put in. If you don't put in the effort you won't learn your stuff, and you could still graduate. Some of the graduates are great, some of them are very unimpressive. I've found Temple's graduates in CS about equal, so for what it's worth... You'd probably get more value at Temple. If you get good financial aid at Drexel, could be worth it...