
KFCConspiracy t1_j9or1h7 wrote

> I also like the focus she puts on Philly's school system

Well, for what it's worth, without fixing the state's school funding formula, that's probably not getting fixed either. There's been some progress on that front through the courts, but the mayor and city council don't have much power to fix that. Hell, we didn't even have a locally controlled schoolboard until very recently.


KFCConspiracy t1_j6ol2l7 wrote

The job of controller is specifically to audit and expose government waste. Unfortunately, she found a lot of it because Butkovitz, her predecessor, did not do that job for a decade. The controller, by the nature of the position, cannot implement anything, only audit and report.

Are you suggesting that Kenney was NOT wasting city resources and inept?


KFCConspiracy t1_j5yww80 wrote

All I'm saying is Frank Lloyd Wright builds a house with a creek in it and everyone celebrates it, and it's a tourist attraction. You get a house with a creek in West Philly, and all of the sudden, it's a problem. People are so unappreciative of our homegrown modern urban architecture.


KFCConspiracy t1_j5s9cqp wrote

Street lead Philadelphia into the reduction of crime and redevelopment in the early 2000s. He wasn't a great mayor like nutter but he actually did stuff. Unlike Kenney.

Also alongside his corrupt dealings with his brother on the airport project, he oversaw the airport actually becoming nice, and not the shit hole it used to be