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MacMac105 t1_j3ncx1o wrote

PA is also a massive producer of snacks.


[deleted] t1_j3nir58 wrote



hostile_rep t1_j3nmd6i wrote

The chip aisle at your local grocery store is basically PepsiCo/Frito Lays and Pennsylvania potato chip producers.


TheDifferentDrummer t1_j3nt63q wrote

Middleswarth BBQ chips are the best! Edit: spelling


[deleted] t1_j3o0504 wrote



postsgiven t1_j3puxl2 wrote

I miss the jalapeno flavor. They don't sell it everywhere anymore.


freshoilandstone t1_j3qvkc5 wrote

Lived next door to the locals bar in my old neighborhood when I was in college. The owner started selling Groff's jalapeno chips in unmarked (no shit - unmarked!) silver bags. Bastards would set your tongue on fire, leading to increased beer consumption of course. Best chips I ever had.


postsgiven t1_j3r1hs7 wrote

I need to try these groffs chips. Big fan of spicy food and it probably isn't too spicy for me. I'm Indian and eat tons of spice..I'll have to look em up..


DeadSwaggerStorage t1_j3nk9og wrote

Cheap eggs? Fuck yeah; i get a dozen double yolkers for $3.50 at the Amish farm…..


kiddestructo t1_j3nq8rv wrote

Still paying $2 from the local “English” for free range.


AllAfterIncinerators t1_j3ol1wq wrote

What eggs you been buying lately? They’re $4 a dozen near me, and I know that’s not even the worst of it.


[deleted] t1_j3om6oo wrote



AllAfterIncinerators t1_j3omb78 wrote

That makes me so sad. What happened? When did we run out of chickens? Is The Rock responsible? That man eats a lot of birds.


ZaftigFeline t1_j3pxey0 wrote

We culled 49 million chickens last year.

That's 49,000,000 chickens that were killed, and discarded.

We didn't eat their meat, they aren't laying eggs. They're just rotting in a landfill. Avian flu tore through the barns like nobody's business. Its why the cheap eggs are gone and the more expensive eggs are roughly the same price - because they had less loss due to better animal husbandry and reduced spread of disease.


mjsau t1_j3nwx4h wrote

Yes, I recently saw this on Atlas Obscura: "Hanover [Pennsylvania], and a few counties surrounding it, is the biggest producer of America’s favorite guilty pleasures. It is tempting to be scornful of any place that calls itself the 'capital of the world' of any particular product, but it’s hard to argue with Hanover’s claim on this one: More potato chips (and pretzels, candy, ice cream, and chocolate) are produced over these few counties than anywhere else on Earth."


TheSalamanizer t1_j3ngf0b wrote

I wanna go get some tastykakes now


Excelius t1_j3nqf2b wrote

The numbers also seem to be a combination of sugary foods + drinks.

According to these numbers PA is #1 in both categories, but a bottle of Pepsi is going to be way worse for you than a cookie.


Gettheinfo2theppl t1_j3nmtqa wrote

Thank you for pointing it out. If it's close by who wouldn't eat the snack? Lol