zorionek0 t1_j4x9jbu wrote
That’s great! There’s a lot of good, white collar, union state jobs that are accessible now.
This will help fill jobs too, improving services and making people’s lives better in the bargain.
PA should look at reforming occupational licensure, too. 1250 hours to be a hairdresser…
tinymonesters t1_j4xaljc wrote
You need less training to get a professional handgun than scissors.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j4yf9qm wrote
I can go to Walmart and buy scissors right now. No ID. No background check. No training.
To buy a handgun I need to go to a FFL and provide photo ID, fill out a Federal ATF Form 4473, a PSP SP4-113 and get a background check through NICS.
[deleted] t1_j51bnko wrote
fusionfarm t1_j4xdmi6 wrote
Last time I looked, there was no background check for scissors.
KFCConspiracy t1_j4xfskz wrote
Actually, there are. PA requires that you pass a criminal background check to become a professionally licensed barber. https://www.dos.pa.gov/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardsCommissions/BarberExaminers/Documents/Board%20Information/BPOA%20Pathway%20to%20Licensure.pdf
Any felony disqualifies you from becoming a barber. And any misdemeanor that the board deems as related to the profession.
M3ntallyDiseas3d t1_j4y91ku wrote
And too many barbers and beauticians can’t make a living wage.
YAISEDDIT t1_j4yls80 wrote
Too many of them can’t give you a good haircut.
[deleted] t1_j4zfa2q wrote
fusionfarm t1_j4xhemq wrote
So there's a job titled as professionally licensed handgun?
Zenith2017 t1_j4xi6av wrote
Yeah it's called cop lmao
r3klaw t1_j4xxl6u wrote
How rude... They carry long guns too.
KFCConspiracy t1_j4xi4tp wrote
I'm assuming the person you were responding to is referring to the qualifications to become an armed guard. In PA that requires no training and just requires a background check and a couple of character witnesses.
John_cCmndhd t1_j4xxj5r wrote
A license to carry just requires a background check and two character witnesses, but you need an additional license to work as an armed guard, which does require a psychological evaluation and at least some training. Probably less than being a barber though: https://www.psp.pa.gov/lethalweapons/Pages/initial_application_for_certification.aspx
SwissyVictory t1_j4xz7oa wrote
What happens to the charecter witnesses if the person ends up killing someone with the gun?
Otherwise it only stops people who litterally don't have anyone willing to say they should have a gun.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j4yeyw5 wrote
Why would they be liable for anything?
SwissyVictory t1_j4yj9je wrote
Then what's the point of a charecter witness.
It only stops people who litterally don't have any friends to ask
IrrumaboMalum t1_j4ykgbe wrote
A character witness serves no purpose at all. In fact, at least as far as the PA LTCF goes, the authorities are legally not allowed to contact your references.
For the sake of argument...let's go with your idea. Let's say you are a fine and mentally competent individual, and you have to be since part of the Act 235 requirements is a psychological evaluation. You're on the job for years, no issues.
Then one day something happens and you break mentally. You do something stupid.
Should the people who stood as character witnesses for you years ago face repercussions because of a recent and sudden development in your psychological profile that happened long after they vouched for you?
A logical person will say "no."
SwissyVictory t1_j4ym9ql wrote
I think there shouldn't be a charecter witness at all if there serves no purpose rather than punishing people.
Idk why you think I'd want to punish charecter witnesses, I just think the current system dosent make any sense, which is why I asked why there's charecter witnesses to begin with.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j4yewrr wrote
ACT 235 does require a particular training course to become an armed guard, which (naturally) you have to pay for out-of-pocket and includes a mandatory live fire training environment to qualify you on whatever type of firearm you wish to carry for work (since many armed guards provide their own arms as well).
Atrocious_1 t1_j4ytsmi wrote
There are no training requirements for owning a firearm
[deleted] t1_j4xmcqm wrote
AnotherDaveFella t1_j4zsbu9 wrote
What's a professional handgun?
marijuanamaker t1_j509319 wrote
Pretty sure they’re already trying to get rid of the licensing needed for cosmetology, which for those of us in the industry, is terrifying.
bitterbeerfaces t1_j4zu86e wrote
I think that's good for a hairdresser.
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