Submitted by marvelousmim t3_10q65ht in Pennsylvania

On this chilly January day I'm in the mood to get my creepy on. What are some of your creepiest and most unexplainable experiences? It can be paranormal, glitch in the Matrix, weird encounter with another person. Or if there are any bizarre things that have happened in your area that cant be explained. Whatever you feel like sharing!

Thanks in advance for your replies.



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Alone-Lobster-7405 t1_j6o800b wrote

I had to visit a customer once in the middle of winter and they told they would handle the accommodations. Turns out they own a B&B in the middle of nowhere and that is where I would be staying. I'm sure it's nice in the spring but in January during a storm it had an Overlook Hotel vibe. Best part is I'm the only one there. No guest or staff but I'm hearing creaks and groans and I swear voices. Eventually I barricade myself in a room using the old school sliding bolt locks and a chair against the door and somehow fall asleep. At 3am I'm woken by a vivid nightmare which I don't normally have and it felt exceptionally real but took place somewhere I wasn't familiar with. When I get over that and look around the door I bolted and put a chair against is now wide open. Spent the next night sleeping in a chair just inside the front door. Nothing more occurred but never felt right there. I've searched the place since then and never found anyone else bringing up strange events there but not sure how many times people stay there alone.


grizzlby t1_j6oocvc wrote

Oh man. This isn’t something that I experienced personally but I went deep down the rabbit hole of the creepy conspiracy notes that kept getting put in random grocery food boxes a couple of years ago. I’ll see if I can find a link to one of the local blog stories on it.

Edit: found it


art-man_2018 t1_j6op47l wrote

Early 1970s I think 1973. I had just gotten a pair of new binoculars for my 13th birthday. I called my friend up and we went up the hill in my neighborhood (Plymouth Meeting) where they were building new homes there. From that vantage point one could view all of Plymouth Township and further south. It was a clear day and hardly any clouds in the sky, so perfect to view around the area and sometimes a small plane heading into or from Wings Field, an airport nearby. Then I saw something heading towards us about a mile away and a few hundred feet up. I realized it wasn't a plane, wasn't moving and wasn't making any sound either. The object was I say about 30 feet in diameter, a chrome silver disc, no windows. This object just hovered there in the air for five minutes. My friend saw it too. After that period of time it started slowly ascending and then in seconds silently shot upwards and vanished. Of course nobody believed us, nothing in the news of course, but whenever we get in contact over the years, my friend and I always reassure ourselves that we indeed saw an unidentified flying object.


ThatWasTheJawn t1_j6oq45d wrote

Went to Centralia back when it was “open.” That had a creepy vibe to it.

Also tried to find the 7 gates to hell but gave up after a few hours.


Awe_Jeez t1_j6ox91t wrote

2 things come to mind. Both in the woods, both late at night.

The first, maybe 5-6 years ago in the woods outside of Bald Eagle State Park. A group of friends all drinking around the campfire, being noisy and rambunctious as people who drink do. I am no an imbiber, but was happy to hang. Around midnight I looked up, and hovering about the trees was.... a thing. A plane of some kind? the strangest thing was, it was dead silent. Took off with a woosh and a swiftness I've never seen from a plane since. Best explanation I can come up with is that there are Lockheed Martin facilities in the general area, so it may have been an SR-71 of some kind. Have never been able to confirm, because asking a group of drunks "Do you see that?" did not get the results I needed.


The second, is almost the exact opposite. I was camping at Hertlein while hiking the AT with my brothers. At around 2 am, a noise so cacophonous I couldn't hear my brother whom I was sharing a tent with enveloped us. It lasted for around 5 mins, then disappeared. The next morning we had the "did you hear that?" conversation. All three of us heard it, none of us could come up with a decent explanation and have not talked about it since, since none of us was brave enough to get out of the tent and look .


Ct-5736-Bladez t1_j6oz3aw wrote

Idk about unexplainable and I’m sure it was nothing (r/ghosts or any number of paranormal subreddit would say otherwise), a few years ago before Covid I did some walking around Devils den Gettysburg around November. Chilly foggy day. I got a sense of uneasiness while walking kinda like I was being watched but not quite.


NerdyRedneck45 t1_j6ozq1k wrote

Working the observatory at Davey Lab at PSU and saw a very deep red object about half the angular diameter of the moon slowly drift over north campus and then fade away. Several members of the public and the three volunteers with us saw it. Never managed to get a scope on it before it faded away.


friskimykitty t1_j6pax5d wrote

Years ago a previous BF and I were driving back to Pgh. from Erie on 79 at night. We stopped at a rest area. I went to the restroom and felt a sudden sense of an evil presence. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. It was not just an uneasy feeling of being in a strange place. It was so disturbing I’ve never forgotten it.


msscfair29 t1_j6pca6p wrote

I had a creepy experience about 7 years ago in Michaux State Forest. It was a really lovely fall day and I stopped at a little roadside pull-off for a hike - which turned out to be Dead Woman's Hollow (a snow mobile trail that intersects with the AT, I think?) I set off walking and I was soooo relaxed and really enjoying the hike... until I turned around and started back. As I was walking back I got this awful feeling that I was being watched and even pursued. At one point I felt what seemed to be a handful of smallish rocks hit the back of my leg & I turned around expecting to see a couple of dudes being funny, teasing the lady (me) alone on the trail - but there was no one there. I brushed it off but the feeling of being watched increased until it was all I could do not to break into a run. Made it back to my car fine but the feeling I experienced on Dead Woman's Hollow really shook me. Of course I later googled Dead Woman's Hollow and found out about the horrible murder/shooting that happened there in the 80s. I honestly wondered if I had been picking up on that incident somehow (I'm not psychic or anything at all tho); over the years though I have to admit I've wondered about Sasquatch as rock-throwing and feelings of being watched are associated with sightings... Anyway - Dead Woman's Hollow ... it can get creeeeeepy!


dunkeebutt t1_j6pg27w wrote

An old friend and I were on 502 in Moosic coming back from the theater and saw what could only be described as a real-life Rafiki (walking stick and all) in a cloak standing on the side of the road. We both saw it.


nesquiksand2 t1_j6phg7v wrote

When I was a kid, living in south east pa, we would occasionally get this weird phone call of a recorded message saying, repeatedly, "there's been an outbreak at (so and so location). This is not a drill." I don't remember the words exactly, but every one of my family at one point had gotten the call at different times in our lives. After the message repeated a few times, the line would go down. Couldve been a prank, but it happened during the day a lot (when kids were in school. This was before smart phones)

When I was in college, I came home late from a party and was the only one home. I decided to go down to our classic, unfinished Pittsburgh basement and play some music. About ten minutes in, the basement lights started flickering. They had never flickered before, and never did again after this night. I shouted, "stop it!" And it stopped for a few minutes. Then they started flickering again. Again, I yelled for it to stop. The lights came back on again. I then turned around to see a guitar cable that I had on a nail in the wall swinging. I had about five or six cables on that wall, all next to each other, and only one cable in the middle was swinging. Not slightly, either, full on swinging. The whole, rolled up cable. Needless to say, I left the room after that.

A few weeks later, I had another creepy incident in this house. We had a cheap radio I think we bought at five below. It was the kind of radio that you would turn on/off by turning the volume knob. There was only one button on it - scan. You would turn it on, press scan, and it would just find the clearest station. One night, I woke up, and the radio had been turned on to the maximum volume, and it was all static. It was impossible for this radio to make static, since you could only scan to the clearest station. It was also impossible for someone to leave it on because it was at the maximum volume, and right outside my room. I would've heard it if someone was blasting music as I was trying to sleep. I just turned it off and went back to bed.