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t1_j5zxtg4 wrote

When will the mouth breathers in red states learn that the oil and gas industry will fuck you at every chance they get and don't care about anything except profits?


OP t1_j5zytg8 wrote

They're just hoping for a dividend payment like Alaska residents get.

(Which is very unlikely)


t1_j605caf wrote

they're that gullible?


OP t1_j605gay wrote

They voted for Trump, didn't they?

If Mexico's gonna pay for the wall, why wouldn't Big Oil pay their rent?


t1_j654cn9 wrote

>if Mexico gonna etc...

that's fantastic, stealing that


t1_j60clp9 wrote

Unlike the mouth breathing blue tribe! Who just elected Fetterman ...who let me check my notes here....endorses, approves, and is in favor of fracking. BOTH sides will fuck us all over until we collectively stop voting for them.

I know the horror! How could I dare utter the sinful phrase BOTH sides! It's not like we have had two parties dominate our country for decades as it has crept further and further into a capitalist dystopian hellhole.

Surely it's only that one sides fault!


t1_j653z0a wrote

>something something libruls frack 2!!

I also only vote for one issue, and get personally offended when my party is attacked! How do you do, fellow mouth breathers?