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altybe55 t1_j72upbk wrote

Reply to comment by waninggib in Best Thai restaurant in RI? by [deleted]

Well pretty stupid to ask for the best place in Rhode Island and comparing to a Mass place, no? Do you think the people in RI know what Thai Pepper is? Why even mention it? So you can choose to be remain ignorant or try Vohn's and realize I was correct about it being much better. Either way I don't give a shit about where you buy your Thai food.


waninggib t1_j72whbv wrote

Yet you came here and left multiple comments anyway. Big β€œI don’t care” energy πŸ˜‚


altybe55 t1_j72y97c wrote

Yep. Trying to make you less ignorant. When you rate Thai Pepper so highly it shows food quality ignorance.


altybe55 t1_j72ywmv wrote

And I've lived in Thailand so my opinion is worth significantly more than yours on where to get good Thai food.
