Submitted by t3_11dlxk7 in RhodeIsland

I am a worker for a restaurant in Rhode Island, and I want to speak on anyone who's hesitant to take part in RI Food Fights events. There's been quite a few threads I've seen from customers complaining about their service, but not as much from restaurants.

Don't do it. The organization is offers a poorly managed partnership with diminishing returns, and from a profitability standpoint, your restaurant has a lot to lose while the RI Food Fights owner has everything to gain.

It is sold as a "free" marketing opportunity, but it's not fully "marketing" and it's not fully an "event." And it's certainly not "free."

Rather, it is a coupling of deals sold as a coupon book. The owner is slick enough to sell it as a marketing opportunity, but he is entirely reliant on an equation he calls the "new customer acquisition cost," and he claims that the events can lower your new customer acquisition cost. It's the cost of sales and marketing / new customers acquired.

In his long-winded sales pitch (i.e an email through Instagram), you get told that x amount of people will show up to your restaurant. It could be 200-300 people based on the event. However, many friends have reported up to 600 people showing up for an event, overwhelming their staff, and skyrocketing their food and labor cost while lowering overall profits for the month.

To the Acquisition cost, I say this: Your POS system will do this work for you whenever you ring out a purchase from a new credit card. It can also check how often those credit cards are being used at your restaurant (your customer retention). His description of customer acquisition is freshman-level knowledge sold in a neat package. He's depending on you not knowing your own profitability.

To the passports, I say this: the deal is good for his customers, but the likelihood of them becoming your customers is much, much lower than Food Fights is claiming. We know it to be true: free is free, and free is good. Companies cannot offer tremendous amount of free goods and survive through this inflationary period, it's simply not sustainable. Especially when he oversells events and doubles the proposed customer base. A Food Fights customer is more likely to wait to return to your establishment until they can get more free food.

His posts are very, very infrequent on Instagram so you will not get the benefit of visibility on their account. You may get curated content from his customers, but they're HIS customers, not yours. He will take your content and post it to sell tickets, not to get his followers to your restaurant.

If you are a restaurant owner, take the time instead to study facebook ads, targeting, and retargeting ads. It's all Food Fights does to continue ticket sales, and they make up to $30 per passport while banking on your willingness to bleed money. Mind you, Food Fights depends on YOU to spend money so that THEY can sell tickets with no overhead. The man worked on Wall Street, he has no ties to the restaurant industry beyond this.

Look to their Portland Food Fights Instagram for example, a LOT of frustrated customers and he's ghosted the community after grossly overselling tickets there as well. They don't even make their own content, it's 100% taken without permission for the sake of sales.

TL:DR You're doing Food Fights a favor and helping them make money, they're doing nothing. There's no science or advanced knowledge behind the platform, and you're being taken for a fool.

Would love to hear from other restaurants.



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t1_ja9x93r wrote

Agreed. Food Fights is not some charitable organization founded to support local restaurants and communities. It's a for-profit scheme to make money off of restaurants. He wants a slice of your profits, and he provides no evidence of ROI. Don't encourage this kind of predatory startup idea.


t1_jaanp6o wrote

I've worked at 3 restaurants that have done it, and they've won 3 separate events. None of them are worth it. You will lose valuable seating during your busiest times to people who are going to use the tickets and get waters. That means not only are you losing money for the food, you are losing money that you could have made from those tables.

As for the new guest acquisition, there are much, much better ways to do that. Pay Buns and Bites or Phantom Gourmet to come and review you, you'll get a much better bang for your buck.


t1_jaa5qxw wrote

All of these Instagram “marketers” are just leeching off the hard work restaurant owners and workers do every day.


t1_jaaynqo wrote

Love this write up. What a slick con man. Maybe there’s an opportunity for restaurants to advertise together in more meaningful ways without someone taking a hefty cut. How does restaurant week do, for example?


t1_jaaeyxp wrote

My mom's restaurant participated. While a lot of people came in, it was only to use the coupon. Not many purchased more than what the coupon offered. We also didn't like how after we signed up there wasn't much promotion on their end. Maybe they did a couple of Instagram reels but not posts. They should add some restaurant of the week or day or give more post. We were contacted again this year with a stipend incentive but didn't go through with it. I don't even know who the "winner" of the contest was. I agree with the fact that they have everything to gain. Seems like a good deal but not much once you realize you're giving free food without anything in return.


t1_jac9wjd wrote

The owner of food fights is the worst. I never got a refund for a cancelled event. And I think I have unsubscribed from like 45 different email lists.


t1_jaaqdy7 wrote

I HATE coupon books, they're for chronic cheapskates who crow about how much free food they got last weekend. Friends invited me out during the last "Food Fight" weekend, but I ended up just joining them for a quick cocktail at the end of the meal. I could clearly see how annoyed the server was, because - news flash - they were only there for the free food, and would probably never return. They made a point of how much food they were taking home. Embarrassing. I am far from wealthy, but I don't go to a restaurant unless I can actually pay for the food.


t1_jaavkik wrote

I was “allowed to be a free vendor” at a food fights event. It was disgusting seeing people filling bags with food and treating the staff VERY disrespectfully if they were sold out of anything. They came to my booth and were irritated that we didn’t have food and weren’t giving anything away. We lost money that day and did not gain any prospects or futures sales from it. It’s a hustle from every side.


t1_jae0z5h wrote

I've said it before:

Quoting again.

There's several threads on this already which I linked below, there's even more if you look around.

TLDR: The owner is an ass and very exploitive. I'll copy my reply from another thread below.

-Restaurants do not get any monetary kickback.

-Restaurants are deceptively told that "90% of customers order something else with the coupon" to entice them to participate. This data is from end of month voter surveys where coupon users are asked "Besides the <insert food item>, did you order anything else? We consider toppings as something else, too." So if a coupon user visited 20 places and ordered an additional item at only one, they answer 'yes' to that question and are counted in that 90% figure.

-They don't seem to respond to issues in their issue ticket system or at the very least, it takes several weeks to months. They have always responded to emails I've messaged them about if I found an error on their event page or within an email itself, but seemingly have never have gotten a response back if I have a question or an issue about the event/my ticket purchase.

-They appear to pressure restaurants to participate through social media. Observe their "X place is nominated" in their Instagram posts, you then get a flood of people tagging that restaurant begging them to participate. These restaurants aren't getting a kickback from RI Food Fights as far as I know so they may sell at a loss.

-They might ban you from future tickets sales if you leave negative reviews on google, yelp, or social media for the restaurants that participated in the monthly Food Fights event. Likely because restaurants don't want/didn't expect negative reviews from the event and then later may not participate again which is bad for the RI Food Fights company. Maybe the owner promised them good reviews and is only looking out for his business, I don't know, but this is a competition, not everyone gets a trophy nor should they, the good places deserve to be recognized. There's many, many low quality places that participate that practically spit in your food, don't give a shit, have you waiting hours for a tiny serving, won't honor the ticket, or even outright will try to charge you tax/tip/etc.

-They may ban you from their social media page for leaving anything remotely negative on said page about a restaurant. An example, saying "place X was better than Y" in one of their posts congratulating Y for winning a monthly event. However, they constantly shit on Del's so it seems hypocritical... and wait, isn't this a competition?

-From my view, the winners of the monthly events are usually places you'd never guess would win, questionable methodology on who wins in my opinion and others I've spoke with.

-Owner has a personality to say the least. Friends and I have had mostly negative run-ins with him, he seems arrogant and passive aggressive. Other people have opinions on him as well:

-According to my own reputable sources (and more posts from people on here), he makes threatening/angry phone calls if you post publicly about an issue or concern. This goes along with leaving a restaurant a negative review, the man will call you if he finds out.

-Not all restaurants that participate are located in RI. I've seen people call him out on social media for it and suddenly their comments are gone, i.e., he blocked them.

-Whenever an event is canceled or moved, he will send an email saying it's moved and sometimes he'll include, "let us know if you want a refund or want to keep the tickets." No one I know has gotten a refund that requested it this way.

-Speaking of emails, he sends a lot. I've gotten up to 6-8 emails per day from him with the same exact content. Sometimes he'll send up to 3-4 within a few minutes with the same content as well.

-He steals images on social media and doesn't always give restaurants photo credit.

-Experience by a restaurant owner:

"sorry if this is TLDR. I've worked with them as a restaurant and it's a pretty awful experience. They don't give the restaurants any money or kickback, but encourage them to give substantial menu items away for free on the promise of "90% of customers order at least two other paid items" when in reality most people come for the free item and don't read the terms. We had people leave negative reviews on our restaurant because they couldn't redeem 2-3 coupons with only one person (rules are 1 coupon per person.) They also dont advertise it as "a great way to try new places" they advertise it as "great value" which is very different than how they pitch it to us. When we confronted them about it due to our small business losing tons of money on this venture, they were super rude and short and talked to us in a way that we were certain they've had these convos before. They are a business looking out for themselves only. That's why some restaurants only give away a small offer like a coffee or a single slice of pizza. Once you experience it, you know not to go in giving away mid to high cost items. It is common to still participate as the restaurants often dont want to rock the boat by saying no due to fear that the guy who runs it will drag them so they comply within the boundaries of what is realistic to protect their business. Its honestly so disheartening to experience first hand when the initial expectation is that they are supporting the little guys. Not the case."

-Experience by customer:

*"Bought a RI Food Fights monthly coupon pack, but never got any information about how to get it.

The only method of contact available was email, so I sent one. After a few business days, never got a response.

Made a tweet that @‘d RIFoodFights, just asking about pickup procedure.

Dude was instantly in my DMs, threatening me to take down the tweet. Didn’t answer the question, totally ignored that, was only concerned about making sure I took it down.

Asked my question again, he said to call him. So I did, and he threatened me again over the tweet, said that I can only get an answer from him if I delete it. So I did, and he blocked me immediately.

Used another Twitter account to ask the same question. He called me back ASAP, with a blocked number; threatening me again.

He told me to go to Pizza Js to pick my vouchers up. Ok. Went there, Pizza Js had no idea what I was talking about. Manager called him, and all he did was talk shit about me to the manager, and didn’t give any useful information at all.

Eventually he ended up telling me to come to his house to get them. I showed up, and he was fucking pissed off about it. Swearing, huffing, puffing, more threats about Twitter. Trying to guilt trip me hard for making him go so far out of his way. At this point this was over a week of not getting the tickets, which would expire within another week or two — but he really was trying to frame me as a bad guy for “pestering” him about wanting to get the stuff I paid him for.

Guy is a complete jackass.

After I got the tickets, two different places refused to honor them. One said they never had a deal with him ever, and it was a fraudulent coupon. Another place said they had a deal with him, but it wasn’t for what the ticket said. He wouldn’t answer calls from either of them.

Talked with one of his former business partners from a different venture, they had similar things to say about him. Spoiled little narcissistic brat that throws temper tantrums if asked to do anything at all.

Got some friends that own/run a few local bars and restaurants. They all say the guy does the same act with them — guilt trips, whines & cries his way into getting them to donate free food/drink to his business, which he then sells for a profit. Doesn’t benefit the businesses at all.

Everyone I’ve known that has interacted with him, has agreed that he desperately needs a solid punch to the face. Won’t change anything, he’ll forever be a narcissistic crybaby, but he still has it coming."*


t1_jacctoq wrote

I never really liked the idea, and marketing strategy behind this program, but to know that it’s basically a scheme is frustrating. Never followed their account. Definitely won’t now.


t1_jacprnz wrote

I did the taco one once and that's funny because I was thinking exactly what you're saying "this can't be that good for business". That being said, I did find one or two places that I go to, which I didn't know about beforehand.


t1_jacwb3o wrote

As someone who had bought a coupon bookI’m not even going back to that sleezeball. Bought the book, then Covid hit, it became unusable. I asked for a refund, didn’t hear anything. All I got were some emails saying something along the lines of he’s “working something up” and then eventually he was just like promotion is canceled no refunds.

Which I was fine with at first cause I was assuming that part of the coupon book cost was going to the restaurants. And it was a tough time to be a restaurant so at the end of the day, happy to help.

But now based on this post it sounds like he doesn’t even pay the restaurants and just asks them to put up a bunch of free food. That makes it pretty upsetting that this dude just pocketed a bunch of people’s cash for nothing. What a dick