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nataliasoto27 t1_j9tb7jl wrote

Providence River animal hospital staff were very kind to my kitty. I'd recommend them


SassySauce516 t1_j9tc6aw wrote

Vitality Veterinary of Attleboro were great with my cats


Gladiatorterror t1_j9temy3 wrote

I used to take my pitt to east bay to see Dr Musan it's in seekonk but she always took good care of him.


R3A1xGhosT t1_j9tjvu7 wrote

There’s a newer vet that opened a couple months ago in north Smithfield across the street from Cumberland farms that I’ve heard good reviews about.

Idk how long the wait time to be seen is though unfortunately


zjanderson t1_j9tnfpb wrote

West Shore Animal Clinic in Warwick. My wife’s cousin is one of the vets there.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 OP t1_j9tpa1a wrote

Yeah sorry I guess I should have specified though I’ll travel for a good vet. I live in west warwick and have been with the VCA in Cranston for over 3 years, but they decided to not fill my dogs pain meds until I brought her back in to find out why she needed pain meds… she’s 11 with two torn acls and arthritis in both hips…. I wonder why she’s on pain meds….


buddhamanjpb t1_j9tqt9k wrote

Since you're right in West Warwick I could not suggest Coventry Animal Hospital more. They are awesome.


saucyname t1_j9tvpmj wrote

I go to Hope Vet on the Scituate/Cranston line. I know they have a relatively new doctor and she seems to have a deep interest in pain management for dogs- there’s even a new pain management page on their website. My dog goes to dr Chang there and all of my dogs growing up went to Dr St Amand. They do still follow some fairly strict Covid precautions if that is something you’re not down with.


Daemonicon t1_j9uxv92 wrote

I bring my Cane Corso to North Kingston Animal Hospital, and they have been great!


Low-Dragonfly-5352 OP t1_j9vm6ls wrote

Normally I’d agree with you, though it’s far from a hardcore pain reliever, but it was only filled once, 8 months ago and had 2 refills left on the script. They did this so they could bill me for a wellness check. Which I would have gladly made an appointment for, if they weren’t holding my dogs meds hostage. Ot was disappointing to say the least. I enjoyed this vet very much.


Allopathological t1_j9w650w wrote

Because when you don’t fill a pain med script for 8 months it looks super suspicious when you suddenly start filling it again without an explanation. Asking people online for a recommendation for a vet specifically because your current vet wouldn’t fill a pain med script is likewise suspicious. Because that’s exactly what people who divert/misuse pain meds do when someone tells them no.

You down “own” the refills. The pharmacy does, and they can refuse to fill a med in situations where things are suspicious just like this one.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 OP t1_j9w9hrt wrote

You do realize im talking about dog pills right? “Hey man you wanna get high on carprofen?” Just tell me what office you work at as a vet tech so I can avoid it like the plague…

I have a history here babe. My vet knows why my dog is prescribed her meds and is aware that she’s not given them everyday. 3 years and the routine hadn’t changed till now.

How is having pain meds longer than you’re supposed to suspicious? Isn’t the common behavior filling scripts early?

aSkInG FOr rEcoMenDAtioNs IS suSpIciOuS…. 90% of Reddit is looking for recommendations so move on. I bet you walk your dog in a stroller


cheesusbreezus t1_j9wqzsh wrote

Long term carprofen use can affect their liver, so they probably want to run some blood work, especially if your dog is older.

I don't understand this sentiment of "I'm not going to my vet who knows my dogs because I don't want to pay for a wellness exam. Let me take my dog to a new vet so I can pay for a totally different examination and have them run the blood so I can get these meds."


Low-Dragonfly-5352 OP t1_j9y2hht wrote

Comprehension isn’t your thing, that’s okay but I’m not going to explain this again. Feel free to reread slower. Take a min and let your brain catch up and if you still don’t get it, it’s okay. You’ll get there if you keep practicing.