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cowperthwaite t1_j8owwir wrote

Requires subscription, but I covered this exact Q.

>Now that recreational marijuana is legal in Rhode Island, what does it mean for employees and employers?

>Not a lot, say experts, as Rhode Island already has a drug-testing law that is among the nation's most protective of employees, and cannabis users get special protections under the law that prevent them from being fired for off-duty use.

>Medical marijuana users had already been protected by the state, which banned discrimination against them for using the drug.

>"From a strictly legal standpoint, I don't think much has changed," labor lawyer Matthew Parker said. Parker, with the law firm Whelan Corrente & Flanders LLP in Providence, mostly represents businesses.


>The new law prohibits employers from firing, or disciplining, employees "solely for an employee's private, lawful use of cannabis outside the workplace" so long as they don't work while under the influence.


thatstheteasis95 t1_j8oyqtc wrote

Thank you for posting this. The thing I'm worried about is if employers can still do mandatory drug testing for THC as a condition to hiring. Because while employers can refuse to hire based on a drug test, has the state made it so they can't drug test upon hiring? That wouldn't go over the federal law for THC use in that case, just make it harder. But going by whats here, it would mean RI hasn't made drug testing for THC for hiring limited or prohibited, sadly.


cowperthwaite t1_j8ozf9u wrote

Further down in the article

>Pre-employment drug tests

>Employers are still free to discriminate against recreational marijuana users if they test positive on a pre-employment drug test, Parker said.

>"If they fail the drug test and have no medical note, the employer can rescind the job offer," Parker said.

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