
thatstheteasis95 t1_j8oyqtc wrote

Thank you for posting this. The thing I'm worried about is if employers can still do mandatory drug testing for THC as a condition to hiring. Because while employers can refuse to hire based on a drug test, has the state made it so they can't drug test upon hiring? That wouldn't go over the federal law for THC use in that case, just make it harder. But going by whats here, it would mean RI hasn't made drug testing for THC for hiring limited or prohibited, sadly.


thatstheteasis95 t1_j8orv1j wrote

I guess the real question is if RI made it so you can't test for THC as a condition to employment anymore? Because it wouldn't supersede the Federal law but just make it harder for companies to test to disqualify.

Also. I'm not trying to discredit where you work, or accuse you personally of anything. I just know a lot of companies aren't transparent. I don't know how nursing programs work, what their policies are, or how they come into the convo about employment, in this case.


thatstheteasis95 t1_j8oqbs0 wrote

I guess to move on from Federal vs. State because we all know federal is above state laws, I should be asking what if RI makes it so employers can't drug test for THC as a condition to employment? Then it wouldn't supersede the federal law but just make it harder for companies to disqualify you.


thatstheteasis95 t1_j8oko5x wrote

But can you deny employeement for it in a legalized state? I know companies still have to test as part of their "work place policy" upon hiring, regardless of the law in a particular State, but does it mean you can deny employment if its rec in said State? Its confusing for me because it comes off as a gray area.

Edit: my last employer told me in the interview that they deny employment in RI even if you have a Medical Card because it's not federally legalized, but I also could've sworn I read that Medical card holders are suppose to be protected in this state since 2006... I could absolutely see employers just being ignorant to law changes or straight out lying, but if it's true, it's still really confusing on what companies can and can't do when it comes to drug testing in a legalized state if they just fall back on the federal law.


thatstheteasis95 t1_j8oggsm wrote

The part I kept reading section "e" > Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent an employer from refusing to hire..." and it's so confusing to me. So what I'm getting is they can deny you for failing a drug test with THC, but for current employees they can't fire or discipline you for your THC use outside of work? Am I reading this right? Am I just confused because I'm just dumb lol?

Edit: I also forgot to mention that I'm a Pharmacy Tech, so idk if that would fall under "essential," or not.


thatstheteasis95 t1_j8m4ydi wrote

That's interesting. I didn't even think workers comp came into play at all with drug testing. To be on the safe side I think I am going to try and "detox" to pass a test, and take vitamin B so my sample isn't diluted. I'm still not sure if I can get hired if I'm positive for THC since the law changed recently.


thatstheteasis95 t1_ixbih2g wrote

Its their home lives that are the main issue. It's hard for kids to keep up grades when they barely eat, or not able to rest and feel secure in their own homes. Keeping up grades to do sports can be a huge obstacle for those reasons and that's why kids give up on trying to achieve. More extracurriculars should be available to kids- not just sports, but that also takes budgeting. Putting a basket ball/foot ball in a kid's hand doesn't change their home life and lack of mental health resources causing their issues.