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operator401 t1_jb7lqy9 wrote

Sounds good to me but I’m working at 3pm.


Mdad1988 t1_jb8hiih wrote

Who's little boy is meditating in a troth of nips 😂


Chomperoni t1_jb9frfu wrote

It's like raking leaves! The best part is when you get to jump into it afterwards!


brewce47 t1_jb7syip wrote

During Covid, and my wife and I were out of work, we’d go for a walk and pick up trash along the way. 99% of the stuff we picked up were nip bottles…it’s so bad.


coyote_grundy_666 t1_jb9k1hs wrote

Rhode island needs less pieces of shit that throw their trash on the ground.


foxymarxy t1_jberip7 wrote

Amen. And the state removing trash cans at public park was one of the worst decisions of all time. State govt trusting RIers to carry their trash in and out? Please what an absolute joke.


bosmacks t1_jb7n3y0 wrote

I have to work. Is there some kind of petition I can sign?


commandantskip t1_jbb877o wrote

If you're unable to attend, it's better to write or call your local representative to ask their stance on the situation and let them know you support the elimination of nips (or whatever your cause is).


Dopey-NipNips t1_jb93cp7 wrote

Yeah that way we can feel like we did something without actually doing anything

Petitions are useless. If you want something to change you might have to sacrifice a little


ogglan25 t1_jb9hnus wrote

Yeah let me just sacrifice the paycheck I need to pay my rent..


Dopey-NipNips t1_jb9mnyj wrote

You don't have to sacrifice anything, you just can't expect to affect change if you don't

Doing nothing is easy


[deleted] t1_jbb4fay wrote



Dopey-NipNips t1_jbc4l99 wrote

Yeah but I don't pretend that posting on reddit is effective

When was the last time that skipping a public caucus to sign a petition did anything?


[deleted] t1_jb9zrwk wrote

Nips encourage alcoholism and drunk driving. They should be banned


Lsoutoforder t1_jb8du35 wrote

Did you know that they are NOT called nips in the Midwest and south and you will get an odd look and be told “we don’t sell that” when asking for a nip of vodka? In case you visit the midwest, they are shooters, or in the south, they are mini bottles.


FermentToBee t1_jbaedji wrote

So when you throw them out your car window out there, do they become “drive by shooters”?


BobSagieBauls t1_jb8ky95 wrote

User name checks out. Nah but seriously it’s so disgusting wish I could be there but currently in San Diego for work


Autumn_in_Ganymede t1_jbau2tv wrote

What a convoluted way to not solve this problem. paying 0.05 for each bottle back isn't gonna incentivize people to return them. the people who litter these don't give 2 fucks about the environment or the ppl around them. only desperate people on the streets will pick them up and misuse whatever they make from it.

They should be banned.


AceConspirator t1_jb98fc0 wrote

Thursday at 3pm? Do you not have a job?


trashgirl1986 OP t1_jb9b7qt wrote

Ha. I totally agree but I wasn’t the one who could choose this time


Coincel_pro t1_jb9beek wrote

Just look around the ground next time you are walking by any road or highway. I don't see any nips on my rural street in S. County but as soon as I hit the end of the street and walk along the country road there I can find 3-4 nips before I make it 100 yds. It's shocking how prevalent it is and is by far the most visible litter on the side of the road down here at least. You could walk 2 city blocks in distance and probably pick up 50 or so of them easily. Even worse by stop signs etc.


lovemesomereddit t1_jb9j26a wrote

Very powerful picture. I love the work you guys are doing. Wish I could be there but 3 PM on a weekday is tough for most :/


_zarkon_ t1_jb9vd27 wrote

I am playing devil's advocate here. How about we repeal open containers being an arrestable offense? Currently littering is a small fine while holding on to the empty bottle can land you in jail. Why wouldn't people litter?


Historical_Concert87 t1_jb7uuxl wrote

Are there states that put bottle bill on nips? I don’t think any state in the north east does but I could be wrong


ACKgony t1_jb7yv09 wrote

When I moved from cape cod they had just implemented a ban on them. Don’t know if it’s statewide.


degggendorf t1_jb9dxas wrote

I am also curious to learn more about actual effects

Edit: after sifting through the overwhelming majority of news stories about new bans being discussed/enacted, here's one with some follow-up:

> In the year since the city banned sale of the tiny 50-ml bottles of hard liquor, public drunkenness has diminished, alcohol-related ambulance responses are way down, and there has been a reduction in the number of people taken into protective custody for alcohol intoxication.


> the police department has taken only 86 individuals into protective custody for alcohol consumption so far this year, putting the city on track to record a notable decrease from the 222 for all of last year.

The article also notes liquor stores have started enforcing do-not-sell lists to problematic individuals, which the stores are claiming as the reason for the reduction and not the nip ban itself.


geffe71 t1_jb95zpi wrote

Parts of MA


bigbadape t1_jb99dtn wrote

Did it help, or did people just buy bigger bottles and litter them?


Coincel_pro t1_jb9b5m5 wrote

Bigger bottles would honestly be a better solution. Less of them thrown out and less to pick up. It's still not ideal but cleaning up 1 larger bottle is easier than 5-10 nips.


Dopey-NipNips t1_jb9mu4h wrote

Yeah but then I have to drink a half pint on the way home from work, don't you think that's a little excessive


bigbadape t1_jb9b91m wrote

That’s what I’m wondering from the MA experience, did this happen or did people just drink more?


Coincel_pro t1_jb9ps5k wrote

That's a good question, I don't know either, hopefully some MA folks can clarify.


degggendorf t1_jb9du6d wrote

Sure, but also, drinking more while driving isn't a good thing.

Isn't the whole idea destroying the evidence? Take your shot, toss it, then you don't have any incriminating open containers in your car. Drinking a fifth, they either have to chug it and toss it, or be driving around with incriminating evidence.

Obviously, the right answer is "don't drink and drive", but I'm assuming that ship has kinda already sailed for many people.


Coincel_pro t1_jb9pq2m wrote

Yeah, its going to happen one way or another. Limiting a very obvious and frequent pollutant is at least addressing one issue, littering but doesn't address the other, drunk driving but I'd rather at least cut down on the littering if its possible.


Sultrymale t1_jbc2a1j wrote

If this passes I’ll recycle full time at a 10cent return for each can.


radioflea t1_jb9j2s8 wrote

Where is this located?


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jb9zlne wrote

What kind of bottle bill? A bottle deposit fee bill? That I can get on board with. However a bill that bans one particular bottle over another not so much.


Ok_Culture_3621 t1_jba5ynl wrote

It’s sad to say but the liquor store industry will continue to fight this. For what I hear, an absurd amount of a given stores sales come from these things. Which isn’t an argument against a ban. Just setting expectations.


Jroiiia423 t1_jba808p wrote

The East bay bike path in Warren by Patriots Liquor has always been littered w nips, a new gas station opened up and now there is also just as much e cig packages.


Safe-Researcher-8071 t1_jbanbf5 wrote

My contribution is not littering. I will aslo be sick that day. Good luck everyone 👍


Alternative-Bat-8453 t1_jbctj15 wrote

Just ban plastic nips. Companies can discontinue selling or switch to glass. Why should the people always take on the extra costs?


trashgirl1986 OP t1_jbe1kmu wrote

Liquor lobby in RI is too strong . We tried . This is next best alternative


Alternative-Bat-8453 t1_jbepbel wrote

I understand, I agree this is a problem. I want the bay and surrounding areas to be protected too. It just seems like a solution that charges people, that are already struggling,more money isn’t the move.


retsuko_h4x t1_jbe3kca wrote

I moved here from Portland, OR. I'd never even heard of a nip until I moved here. Not sure what they do over there, if these just don't exist or there is a deposit, or what, but you don't see them littered everywhere like you do here. Instead it's heroin needles all over the place, and they have volunteers that do this with needles and post pics in the subreddit. I don't think they have kids meditating on them though.


monkiesandtool t1_jbqfjj5 wrote

The relevant statute regarding minimum sizes § 3-5-12. Licensees to keep or sell legal beverages only — Minimum size of containers.

>... Holders of Class B wholesaler’s licenses, Class G retailer’s licenses, Class B-H retailer’s licenses and Class A retailer’s licenses are authorized to keep for sale and to sell distilled beverages in containers of a minimum capacity of fifty milliliters (50 mls.) or one and seven tenths ounces (1.7 oz.).


[deleted] t1_jb7jt8k wrote



SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jb7rhqu wrote

Walk into any liquor store when they open and you’ll see quite a few people buying entire sleeves of the Doctor.


No-Pumpkin-6946 t1_jb9owng wrote

Maybe If we taxed Nips like we do every other form of alcohol it wouldn’t be the go to for homeless, who leave them scattered around.


dUbrUnner14 t1_jbb2xgs wrote

how about y’all out this energy towards the shit ass highway 195s going through ep and prov 😭


TadpoleMajor t1_jb93xft wrote

What do you propose exactly? Not outlaw them right? That would be stupid.


geffe71 t1_jb95xtv wrote

Look at MA.


TadpoleMajor t1_jb96025 wrote

That is not an answer to my question


geffe71 t1_jb963sz wrote

Yes it its. you are on the internet and Google is a thing

But to answer you even further, parts of MA has a 10¢ tax or an outright ban


FartGarfunkel_ t1_jb99fcj wrote

Typically government cure “add a tax to make money off the problem so we can line our pockets, but do nothing to actually fix the behavior”.

People who buy nips are still going to buy them and toss them on the ground, because nips are typically sold to homeless people or alcoholics. They don’t care about keeping anything clean and will continue to litter and buy them.


nevermore90038 t1_jb9r5lv wrote

You do NOT need a bottle bill.
Fight these Liberals tooth and claw on this one.

In Portland Oregon, drug addicts collect the cans and bottles by rummaging through your trash and recycle bins and then cashing in the bottles for the money. They then spend the cash on heroin and fentanyl.

You do NOT need a bottle bill!


SadAerie6351 t1_jb7wh2y wrote



Coincel_pro t1_jb9b7mv wrote

It's a good thing empty heads are decriminalized eh?