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artaintfree t1_jbemfnq wrote

These ultra right conservatives need to visit ultra right religious countries like Iran and Afghanistan or maybe Saudi Arabia.

qualified educators should be on the school committee and while no one expects complete harmony between teachers and parents - teachers should have a vote in deciding what should be taught. They are the ones teaching the children and those teachers listen to kids. Children do have malleable minds and they are generally dumb as f***. If those kids don't learn about the real world then their minds can become less broad, less inclusive to that real world.

One political side is not a good idea and parental politics must stay out of schools.


Cinema_King t1_jbgdh33 wrote

I’d prefer if they’d go to these countries and stay there. But it’s probably not right to dump our trash on others


mkmck t1_jbjfhr4 wrote

>These ultra right conservatives need to visit ultra right religious countries like Iran and Afghanistan or maybe Saudi Arabia.

They already know about it. That's what they want here...a Christian Taliban.


WickedDog310 t1_jbk38m7 wrote

Not to mention you don't need to have any qualifications except for a working reproductive system to become a parent while becoming a teacher requires degrees, critical thinking, certification and lots of hoop jumping.

Anyone who wants or continues to be a teacher in this climate is crazy, brave and passionate about education (for the most part, there are some psychos like in every profession who just don't give a fuck about anything).