
WickedDog310 t1_jbk38m7 wrote

Not to mention you don't need to have any qualifications except for a working reproductive system to become a parent while becoming a teacher requires degrees, critical thinking, certification and lots of hoop jumping.

Anyone who wants or continues to be a teacher in this climate is crazy, brave and passionate about education (for the most part, there are some psychos like in every profession who just don't give a fuck about anything).


WickedDog310 t1_jbk24pp wrote

Just because they happen shouldn't make it acceptable, please call out Dem's for this bullshit too.

Gorden is a private school in EP, while Smiley is in PVD, and the majority of people aren't educated at private k-12 schools like they are for preschools. These aren't quite the same equivalencies, but I like your premise.

Smiley shouldn't be appointing anyone to any role other than those that he's empowered to by the Providence Charter. If he (and other govt leaders) are holding other board seats while serving in government they need to resign. A person can not serve two populations, if you voluntarily seek out public office, you should not be allowed to hold private office, it's a conflict.


WickedDog310 t1_jbk0ziq wrote

But they shouldn't be, there should be a public option that is well funded and successful from the moment that maternity leave ends. If we only give 6 weeks maternity leave, we should have public daycare that starts at that point, economically this is best for employees and employers. You wanna generate solid tax revenue? create opportunities for people to take higher paying positions by supporting them with child care. Let's lengthen maternity leave to a year, and then have public day care options start then.

Sorry, was living in a daydream, but I can dream can't I?


WickedDog310 t1_jb52gi7 wrote

Katherine Gregg LOVES to criticize, which I have no problem with, but if you're willing to criticize the problem you have to be part of the solution. She never put forward alternatives. She's never seeking better more equitable solutions. She just loves to tear everything down.


WickedDog310 t1_jao7z0r wrote

I'm not in any way saying it excuses the attitude of the cops. Their attitude, their lack of care and their delay in getting her care. I would think it would be worth looking at to see if it meets the definition of negligent homicide. Can they really stand by and watch someone in medical crisis and not do anything? As she was in their custody they had a duty of care. They can't override the doctors at that medical facility. But it should have been treated like any other trespassing case. Where if I call the police because your trespassing at my house, and you start experiencing a medical emergency, they are required to call an ambulance. I don't care if she was being trespassed from a medical facility. She was in their care and should have received medical transport and a new admit to a different facility.


WickedDog310 t1_jao308v wrote

Okay, but here's the thing. If an electrician comes to your house says your house is safe then your real estate agent is going to believe them, they aren't the expert, the only thing they can do is get another opinion.

These cops absolutely should have treated her better and should have transported her to another medical facility, she's obviously in need of medical care, and they aren't in the position to provide that. Between the slurring words, the inability to hold herself up, what I'm absolutely sure would be some crazy pupil responses, they absolutely knew she needed care. What's worse is the way the hospital weaponized the police against this woman. The hospital dismissed this woman's pain and legitimate concerns because they couldn't be bothered, and most likely because they are understaffed and burnt out and can't manage the patient loads. Any good nurse will say their main job is patient advocacy, they advocate for patients to get the right combo of meds, they make sure that Dr's who look at charts for .3 seconds don't order something that would hurt the patient.

Pull up Fort Sanders' glass door and you'll see nurses had mandatory overtime, 14:1 patient/nurse ratios, 32:1 patient/CNA ratios, EMTs used in place of nurses, ohh and wait for it.... "Militaristic security force"

This was more than police being police. This was a hospital who knew exactly how police be policing and used them against an elderly woman.


WickedDog310 t1_ja9w12l wrote

Looks like people forgot to mention The Collaborative, in Warren. A wonderful group of local artists. They host local figure drawing nights, have galleries that sponsor local artists. And run classes for kids and adults. They're relatively unknown, I just discovered them and am super grateful for the monthly figure drawing.


WickedDog310 t1_j9i8xhk wrote

Reply to comment by SquatC0bbler in Girl Scout Cookies by SquatC0bbler

Glad to hear shipping will support local troops too. There were a few years they actually sold the cookies on the shelves in stop and shop and it killed me to hear people where going there and grabbing a bunch of boxes rather than getting them through a troop. There was one girl in my troop growing up who's mom was a CNA at one of local hospitals and the only way she could afford summer camp was by the credits she got from selling to her mom's co workers. It seems small every time we buy a box, but it makes a difference to a lot of those kids.


WickedDog310 t1_j9h5y9n wrote

Reply to comment by SquatC0bbler in Girl Scout Cookies by SquatC0bbler

Try and buy through a local troop. A portion of those proceeds go towards helping the kid you buy from pay for camp. If you get them wholesale, it just goes to the profit margin of the company that makes them.

It made a big difference to me as a kid.


WickedDog310 t1_j9g5z1f wrote

I knew about Rt. 37, but not the other too. Thanks! As an East Bay'r I do wish the 37 project had given us another bridge and connected to 114. It would greatly reduce the congestion on 95/195. There are days I just need to get to Warwick or Coventry and I know they aren't far going with the current set up, but it would be so but easier with another bridge and stop routing so much traffic from the East Bay through Providence when so much is just trying to get to Warwick.


WickedDog310 t1_j842p7a wrote

Exactly depending on which bus line they live on, getting to Mt. Pleasant might be more difficult than Pawtucket. And honestly if someone's got such specific circumstances, they'll normally put that in the post so recommendations can take that into account. There's no erasure here, this sounds like someone's butt hurt for something they don't actually experience and are trying shame everyone else for it.


WickedDog310 t1_j8427c5 wrote

I also want to note that I frequently search the sub for recommendations when I'm looking for stuff, and I hope others are to so the same questions aren't being asked a million times, so just because the original poster may have a magnetic boundary that keeps them directly in Providence, doesn't mean that all users do. This is a place for Providence discussions, it's not a Providence exclusivity club.

I will always die on the hill defending Providence in r/Rhodesland against the idiots who go off about Providence being unsafe etc. But on the flip side, Providence is not the end all and be all of our state. Sometimes other near by towns and cities have great things too.