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Proof-Variation7005 t1_jd55s77 wrote

Can I speak to the fox who actually reads links before posting them instead? This is too easy


abovaveragefox t1_jd56lff wrote

14 15 16 year old having sex with upto 10 years older and they don't want them on a sex offender registration. I read it and I'd say it's a step in the wrong direction. Definitely a step towards normalzing that shit in my opinion.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jd5b635 wrote

> I read it

Assuming you aren't lying, I'm going to have to ask that you find a competent rational adult to help you read it again because you clearly did not understand it. Maybe you guys can look up the word you don't understand in the dictionayr, or have a quick discussion after it.

Cause if that is your interpretation of it, you're clearly not capable of grasping this topic without help.

Normally, I'd offer to help but I don't think you can afford my time.


abovaveragefox t1_jd5c3zc wrote

Being on a sex offender registration is part of the punishment for having sex with a minor. It's no longer mandatory. Defending that is worse than any insult youre trying to poke at my comprehension. Grasp a 24 year old who had sex with a 14 year old getting less punishment.