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sc00p401 t1_jczl3wp wrote

It's such a shame that Scituate is represented by a pig like this guy. Also you know what they say about Republicans and projection...


jfg1984 t1_jd0194q wrote

Every one of them that prattles on about pedophiles is a pedophile. To a person.


jfg1984 t1_jd015kb wrote

Many people are saying that Rep Quattrocchi is a pedo, not me, but many many people. They're saying it very strongly, from what I hear.


Black-September764 t1_jd0z0bk wrote

You know it’s funny I never get any credit for what I did for pedo, but that’s alright.


Plenty_Butterscotch4 t1_jczsh9y wrote

This isn't shocking. Rhode Island isn't just Providence. I've lived here forever and the further north, west and south you get from PVD the more red the state gets. Just because there's more land and less people doesn't mean that those folks aren't going to elect assholes like this guy. I have family that lives in a lot of those parts of the state. I don't talk to my family much...


therealDrA OP t1_jczsw4p wrote

Yeah, I know Scittuate is MAGAt Q land. It is basically every city that doesn't touch the bay or Atlantic.


AlabasterRadio t1_jd0cw6y wrote

I'm from the Foster/Glocester and Burrillville area and damn, you'd think you were in Alabama.


rlc327 t1_jd09i2z wrote

I’ve noted before, the East-West split in RI during the recent elections matched the North-South split in the US


[deleted] t1_jd25jmn wrote

I live in Scituate and I'm far from Maga and Q because I'm not a moron


boulevardofdef t1_jd1jtoh wrote

I'll never forget in the summer of 2016, only three years after I moved here, I had to drive my son up to camp in Burrillville every day for a week, and oh my God. I would estimate literally every third house had a Trump sign, and every second house had a "NO NEW POWER PLANT NORTHERN RI" sign, which made me really angry because every house with a Trump sign also had a power-plant sign, and Trump was the guy running on increasing energy production from pollutants.


lazydictionary t1_jd2ldme wrote

Burrillville voted for Obama twice. It's complicated.

I've also seen multiple BLM signs throughout town.

Everyone is very pro-environment here. But people also love their guns.


nicknack24 t1_jd0age4 wrote

Scituate exports smart people, it doesn’t retain them.


Keelija9000 t1_jd3ouk2 wrote

Every accusation, a confession.


milespeeingyourpants t1_jczqgx2 wrote

It takes one to know one would’ve been a solid response.


cojwa t1_jczwu0t wrote

Considering it would be her admitting she is in fact a pedophile I don’t think it’s that great a response.


abovaveragefox t1_jczmpgb wrote

She was grandstanding. It was a fair rebuttal to her claim of being offended.


sc00p401 t1_jczpfsw wrote

If you think that defending herself and others who are constantly targets of unwarranted and disgusting sexual orientation insults & prejudices is grandstanding, you need to go find a dictionary.


Good-Expression-4433 t1_jczqpat wrote

She was rightfully offended since this dumb shit wanted to equate pedophiles with the LGBT community and minorities.


abovaveragefox t1_jczrhck wrote

That's like your opinion man


toothlesswonder321 t1_jd01wxv wrote

Lol the typical MAGA/Q/Imbecile retort when presented with facts. I’m looking forward to the day when you clowns crawl back to whatever hole you came from.


Proper_Boss523 t1_jd0h6w9 wrote

i'm looking forward to the day when they spew their vitriol on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.


abovaveragefox t1_jd130d3 wrote

There is no rightfully offended. That's opinion. Great stretch tho.


sandsonik t1_jczpnf4 wrote

He was the one grandstanding. You believe his question about whether he had to consider Satanists and pedophiles was sincere?


abovaveragefox t1_jczr078 wrote

Yes. It's essentially a probe of the limits of the requested requirements. It's totally a fair inquiry.


thehillshaveI t1_jczncvc wrote

average conspiracy poster


abovaveragefox t1_jczohsa wrote

That's valid. Good talk.


thehillshaveI t1_jczppyi wrote

it is, if there's one thing conspiracy theorists are about it's baselessly calling people pedophiles. you guys love that shit.


abovaveragefox t1_jczqtiv wrote

It's not baseless. Her claim was being offended when he mentioned consideration for pedos, he said are you offended because you are one? It's valid. What's offensive about his question?


Dopey-NipNips t1_jd28tzp wrote

That's a stupid question

It's offensive because gay people aren't pedophiles, Republicans are


abovaveragefox t1_jd2nx32 wrote

So what about the satanists? Was that a stupid question? Think about the context and how broad the proposal is. Nobody said all gay people are pedos.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jd3du5h wrote

>So what about the satanists?

In a question of a law that affects religion? Their religion is no less valid or legal than any other religion.


abovaveragefox t1_jd54nix wrote

Ok so he is making that point. In a bill requiring all people be considered in a neat little report how is he wrong for probing the fringe of what's covered.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jd57q3z wrote

Because he's clearly trying clearly trying to link LGTBQ people to pedophiles. This isn't new or unique.

Using Satanists as the religious example is just a case of him being an idiot since they're the perfect benchmark for laws regarding religion. So, on that count, he's really only kinda stupid. It's lazy and stupid, but there's no real malice in it. Basically, it'd make him a harmless idiot if that was all he said.

Asking your coworker, who you know is a lesbian, if they're a pedophile? That's just hateful. It's the same bullshit that has already gotten people killed.


abovaveragefox t1_jd58l7u wrote

No that's your clearly bias perception of the situation. I see a lazy politician who doesn't want to add an extra report for every bill proposed. I don't agree with his politics but I think he has a valid bone to pick with her seemingly vague proposal.


Dopey-NipNips t1_jd3sh3b wrote

Yeah it's specifically said that drag queens are a danger to children because they're pedophiles.

Also trans people

Republicans accuse all queer people of being pedophiles all the time

And yes, that's a stupid question. This is America we have freedom of religion


abovaveragefox t1_jd5569j wrote

Here by me? You're arguing against shit I never said. I'm not a republican dude you're seeing ghosts.


Dopey-NipNips t1_jd59ima wrote

I didn't say you're a republican. I said republicans say these things.

You asked two questions. "what's offensive about this?" I answered it specifically and directly.

Your second question "what about Satanists" I also answered specifically and directly


abovaveragefox t1_jd5ac80 wrote

Some small subset of republicans say fucked up shit, just like every other party or affiliation. What's the point of that here. He made a valid inquiry about the limits of her broad proposal. Do you believe that every bill proposed in Rhode island should have a report stating it's impact on every single religion, ethnic background, gender etc etc? I think its slow enough on capitol hill.


[deleted] t1_jd5bett wrote



Proof-Variation7005 t1_jd3d1kv wrote

>Her claim was being offended when he mentioned consideration for pedos

I've seen some bad faith bullshit in my day but this is pretty absurd. Nobody has ever referred to that as a sexual orientation and there's never been any legislative attempt to do anything other than punish and criticize it.

Put bluntly, they are not and never would be considered a protected or marginalized class.

The choice to obfuscate the issue of sexual orientation with a disorder like pedophilia is a deliberate one and, frankly, one that has already led to people getting killed.

This isn't some whoopsy-daisy slip of the tongue. It was a deliberate attempt to antagonize and dehumanize.


abovaveragefox t1_jd54yzu wrote

That's just not true. At all.

Let's see how this gets spun.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jd55s77 wrote

Can I speak to the fox who actually reads links before posting them instead? This is too easy


abovaveragefox t1_jd56lff wrote

14 15 16 year old having sex with upto 10 years older and they don't want them on a sex offender registration. I read it and I'd say it's a step in the wrong direction. Definitely a step towards normalzing that shit in my opinion.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jd5b635 wrote

> I read it

Assuming you aren't lying, I'm going to have to ask that you find a competent rational adult to help you read it again because you clearly did not understand it. Maybe you guys can look up the word you don't understand in the dictionayr, or have a quick discussion after it.

Cause if that is your interpretation of it, you're clearly not capable of grasping this topic without help.

Normally, I'd offer to help but I don't think you can afford my time.


abovaveragefox t1_jd5c3zc wrote

Being on a sex offender registration is part of the punishment for having sex with a minor. It's no longer mandatory. Defending that is worse than any insult youre trying to poke at my comprehension. Grasp a 24 year old who had sex with a 14 year old getting less punishment.


sandsonik t1_jd8n57s wrote

You are absolutely trolling right now. Try asking the next person you see if they're a pedophile. Of the ones who haven't already punched you in the nose, ask them if your question offended them.

Pedophiles are universally reviled in our society, and pedophilia is against the law. It's ridiculous to even ask if the impact of a new law has to be judged in terms of how it affects people who are breaking the law.


abovaveragefox t1_jd8wq5r wrote

He didn't ask her out of the blue, and her reply of being offended is why he probed as to what she was offended about. I'm not saying the guy is not at fault, I do understand why he would question the fringe of what these proposals require. You're trolling for comparing it to a completely different situation of asking someone next to you if they are a pedo. Context actually is important. She could have just explained her position instead of grasping her pearls and getting offended. To state it clearly, I don't condone either of their actions but I can see motivating factors for either side.