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SoftwareDev401 t1_itikup3 wrote

I feel like MOST of the Republicans in this state are moderate fiscal conservatives who want to see the Dems stop giving taxpayer money to everything they possibly can. I would never vote Republican at the federal level because of the absurd impact they have on things that should not be their business. (Women's bodies, gay rights, etc.) But the democratic machine in this state has given away everything to everyone. People move here to take advantage of it.


growupandblowawayy t1_itkc98z wrote

I live in Newport. Tell me about it. A lot of “fiscal” republicans or covert republicans. There’s gotta be a point that you realize the party won’t preserve your wealth.


And I believe that your voice at state levels reaches the federal. I don’t believe in voting d federally and r locally. That’s prob why ri is such a corrupt and messed up “democratic” state, most people here are not democrat and are from Ny or NJ avoiding taxes or some bs.