Submitted by sriracha_Salad t3_ybj4h9 in RhodeIsland

I'm looking who to vote for in the election.

I'm looking at a link to the energy policy on her website and it sends me to a paper talking about the ability for the Governor to declare a state emergency during an energy crisis.

Energy-Crisis.pdf (

The paper says the Governor has powers to reverse the increase of the gas bill, suspend taxes related to the gas bill, or defer the increase of the gas bill to a later date to the consumer.

What exactly does she plan on doing if she declared an emergency? How do any of these actions change the supply and demand of natural gas?



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techsavior t1_ith0ihg wrote

Ashley Transplant is in “elected office anywhere” mode. Her strategy is to sling ad much mud as possible, but not dig out any solutions to the dozens of “problems” she lays out in 30 seconds against the “McKee-Biden agenda (lol)” in the process.

Make as much noise as possible, and hopefully get elected, with the least amount of critical thinking on her part.


zebrawithflowers t1_ith8hu4 wrote

Exactly. The last thing I saw with her in it showed her talking about McKee's lack of a track record in Rhode Island.

He has a hell of a track record in Rhode Island - former mayor of Cumberland, small business advocate, legitimately elected to statewide office... while Kalus made phone calls for former IL governor Rauner, scammed the government with her sketchy COVID testing business, and paid herself millions of dollars.

Oh yeah, she doesn't know how RI government works, either.


techsavior t1_ith97te wrote

I firmly believe that she couldn’t give less of a shit about Rhode Island. She saw that Trump was able to pull off the nation’s largest grift, and she think she can do the same here.


amdomweg t1_itn2jq5 wrote

McKee is as weak as they come. He continued this "emergency" to the detriment of Rhode Islanders, only because the puppet masters dictated this and he got more covid funds to spend. Our country is just now realizing just how harmful the lockdown and all the ineffective, expensive covid measures were/are.


HiHo-Silver t1_itj1yps wrote

Infringing the Peoples God given 2A rights.


Quick_Fennel_3244 t1_ithd0fj wrote

Please explain how McKee has made rhode island a better place after taking over for the past governor who was abysmal as well.


zebrawithflowers t1_iti6mod wrote

Who do you think was better? Don "Invest in Vaporware" Carcieri, and leave the taxpayers of Rhode Island holding the bag? Vacation in the Middle East during the December Debacle and do nothing? Financial genius Republican, that man!


Quick_Fennel_3244 t1_ithcu52 wrote

The McKee Biden plan is a joke in itself. That plan is why you are seeing exorbitant prices you are seeing right now.


techsavior t1_ithdsap wrote

Can you give me one example where McKee and Biden worked together to make this slander work?

I’ll wait.


gusterfell t1_itigc9z wrote

I'm amazed that Biden and McKee have the ability to cause worldwide inflation that is far worse in much of the world than it is here.

Liz Truss just became the shortest-serving prime minister in UK history by implementing economic policies akin to those the Republican want, causing the pound to plummet and inflation to skyrocket.


Loveroffinerthings t1_itmrjhz wrote

While ignoring massive corporate profits, Putin causing havoc in the energy markets worldwide, and every liberals fav, OPEC AND Saudis cutting production…. Yeah, McKee is to blame for that.


lelekfalo t1_iti60lx wrote

Ashley Kalus herself can't explain her energy policy.

Last I checked, there was no stance on anything listed on her website. She appears to be running solely on the platform of "not McKee."


_-Unbeliever-_ t1_itn8tl6 wrote

She's part of that #ParentsUnitedRI crowd. Working from the inside to push their fascist agenda.


wormholeweapons t1_ithx41v wrote

Look. I can’t explain anything about her policies or perspectives. I can say this. She isn’t from here. She is not a Rhode Islander in anyway.

She wasn’t born here. She didn’t raise her kids here. She doesn’t know what we are about. Who we are. What are history is.

She doesn’t know what coffee milk is. Or have a fave wiener spot. She has no clue what Beavertail is. What a sub is. What a cabinet is. She’s think New England clam chowder is exactly the same as RI clam chowder. She thinks calamari from Applebees is the same as RI Calamari. She has no clue about Buddy Cianci.

I could go on. But I hope you get the point. Don’t vote for an outsider for state politics. Just don’t. Dan McKee for as much as I just don’t love him. I don’t hate him either. At least he knows RI for better or worse. I’ll take that all day every day.


thebirbseyeview t1_itihvt9 wrote

I wasn't born here but I've been here a good amount of time. Everything you mentioned is why I love RI. But....all this can't be only what RI is known for. I wish we had better job industries like Massachusetts for example. Someone who isn't a native Rhode Islander could totally be a good governor, but Kalus is a snake and not the right person for the job.


Dopey-NipNips t1_iti4ojb wrote

I heard she went to onys and got a weenie with ketchup only


Southcoaststeve1 t1_iti5ko0 wrote

Isn’t ketchup on wiener a criminal offense in RI….or anywhere???


zebrawithflowers t1_iti650m wrote

Even in Illinois you don't put ketchup on a Chicago style dog - mustard only! (Along with relish, tomatoes, celery salt...)


Southcoaststeve1 t1_iti6jtj wrote

I think it’s federal crime or should be. We should make it a felony so if you get convicted you can’t vote. Those people have bad judgement! Ketchup on a wiener….how dare they! Where’s the outrage ….call my representative!


lelekfalo t1_iti6owh wrote

Wait, that's a no-no here, too?

I grew up in Chicago, and it's the only place I've ever known that considers putting ketchup on a hotdogs to be downright heretical.

You mean to tell me I landed in the only other place in this country where I've got to hide my ketchup-on-hotdog shame?!


Southcoaststeve1 t1_iti7qpa wrote

We have been meaning to talk to you about this….I’m glad you brought it up. You don’t have to hide it but be aware a mob could spontaneously surround you.
Kinda like how the witches in Salem met their fate.
It is a slippery slope, First ketchup next thing you misuse pronouns and then you will think men can have babies! Society in total decay! If you put mustard on along with the ketchup you could claim it was mistake but you wouldn’t want to live a lie.


Loveroffinerthings t1_itms3ee wrote

Ketchup on a wiener is fine if you’re 8 years old or younger.


lelekfalo t1_iti6b9w wrote

We have a 3rd option for Governor on the ballot this year, fwiw.


am4os t1_itk3pcy wrote

What it’s worth is less than dirt, as are all third party candidates without exception


[deleted] t1_itj5hhr wrote

Yeah let’s elect our officials based on if they know what a fuckin weiner is lmao, god bless all respect in the world lol


wormholeweapons t1_itj8svq wrote

If that’s what you took from my comment. Please don’t vote. comprehension is clearly not your strong suit.


Loveroffinerthings t1_itmrxpc wrote

Well if Applebees isn’t Rhody calamari, why is the Applebees in South Kingstown always packed 🤣🤣🤣


Beezlegrunk t1_itk3e62 wrote

>I hope you get the point

“Keep voting for failed politicians because they know all about local foods” …?


Bjarki56 t1_itioafe wrote

You know and I know that if she were a democrat and a progressive and was all these things, but her opponent was a native RIer but a conservative, most here would say that none of things you say matter. In fact, these things would be a plus rather than a negative; it's why she is good--she is a breath of fresh air in the entrenched cronyism and politics as usual network of RI.

**I would comment more, but can't as the original poster blocked me. (Which I think is cowardly.)

>This is what I was going to post to another person who responded, but can't.

>I am voting Democrat in the governor's race.

>What gets me (and why I posted the comment) is the rhetoric game and the political manipulation that campaigns use. The campaign toolbox has no political affiliation. They all use the same one. It's a tale as old as time.


FourAM t1_ititxsj wrote

You’d probably right because the conservative would also want disastrous policies that would further weaken RI. Or, the slightly more competent ones would make a policy that only works in the short term while giving a fortune in taxpayer money to their or their friends/families private businesses so they can blame democrats for the problems in the next election when it all falls apart.

We’ve woken up to this game after 20+ years of their bullshit which is why we’ll still take a milquetoast Dem over a grifting Rep every time now. We’re sick of the fucking games.


wormholeweapons t1_itipow9 wrote

Not to me. But that’s for makings Fucking assumption about how I vote and feel about politics.

Fuck right off with your judgement and assumptions.


PurinaHall0fFame t1_itgs12o wrote

She doesn't plan on doing a damn thing, hence why she only links to a pdf of what she could do; once in office she won't actually do a damn thing about it, just like McKee.


Loveroffinerthings t1_itmrorb wrote

Sounds like some guy that used to have a “big beautiful healthcare plan” that was coming in a few weeks, for 4 years.


BitterStatus9 t1_ithyy65 wrote

She’s a phony. She said executive order could lower fuel prices. It can’t. Then she said executive orders don’t work (re: housing).


Brotendo88 t1_itgoix3 wrote

Politicians are always seeking power and creative way to use it. In this instance it seems like Kalus is trying to point towards executive power the governor holds. It also works to discredit McKee who hasn’t done jack shit to stop the rate hikes.

But honestly, voting for governor at this point feels like choosing between the hangman or the firing squad. Both choices suck. Across the state we need a network of organizations to build political power that opposes the Dems and Repubs… anyway


argument_sketch t1_itgp76j wrote

So a Republican is talking about the government controlling prices… not against it, just doesn’t sound very free market for a conservative.


nathanaz t1_ith8svk wrote

Kind of like how they think if the US increases production of oil we can be self-sufficient, in terms of our gas needs/prices.

They leave out the middle part where the government would have to take over oil production, refinement and transport to ensure that the oil/gas stays here and doesn’t get sold on the global market. Essentially they’re advocating for communism while yelling about how much they love freedom.


mpm4q2 t1_ithcesb wrote

Won’t happen. The oil prices are determined by the global market. The only way to influence the prices is to pump more and flood the market. The government must stay out of the way or they will screw it up.


nathanaz t1_ithxweg wrote

My comment wasn’t a prescription, it was an illustration of the hypocrisy.


mpm4q2 t1_ithzua0 wrote

This is the republican platform for the fuel crisis


nathanaz t1_iti02xl wrote

Yeah. That’s why it’s hypocrisy. I don’t know what you’re not understanding


gusterfell t1_itihl7t wrote

How exactly do the Republicans plan to get the oil producers to "pump more," when they're currently making record profits by not pumping more and driving up the price?

Oil companies are currently sitting on dozens of unused drilling permits that they could act on tomorrow with no change in government. They have no desire to "pump more."


mpm4q2 t1_itiinmu wrote

Btw, those permits are unused because there is no oil there. Just because you have a permit doesn’t mean that there will be oil to drill there!!


gusterfell t1_itim1pe wrote

That's absurd. Why would anyone go through the permitting process to drill on land without oil reserves?

Regardless, that doesn't answer the question of how the GOP would get the oil companies to drill more and flood the market, reducing their own profit margins in the process? Seems pretty hard to do without some of that nasty government regulation.


argument_sketch t1_itimo66 wrote

Republicans are always against regulation because they don’t care about our future. As long as we’re all fat and happy with our low oil and gas prices, they don’t care that our children and grandchildren will grow up with the destructive results of climate change.

How about I throw all the toxic waste I produce over into your yard instead of disposing it properly for more expense? Because if you wanna stop me, that’s OVER-REGULATION!

I’ve never seen anybody more shortsighted than a republican


mpm4q2 t1_itim5nu wrote

That’s not how it works my friend.


Hot-Cry920 t1_itjacb2 wrote

Then why does biden take credit when gas prices come down??? Guys all over the place


mpm4q2 t1_itiig1x wrote

Now where did you hear that? Boy some people believe anything they are told. The oil companies will drill and produce more if they know the administration won’t interfere with more over regulation. It’s hard to get investors when the president says that he wants to put them out of business!


sriracha_Salad OP t1_itgrmwb wrote

I mean looking at the map in the paper there's only one natural gas pipeline coming in from Connecticut- so I am not sure how much you can go against the free market in this case.


therealDrA t1_itgs0gt wrote

Yes, this is a major limitation in New England. Kalus is a stupid right wing hack.


growupandblowawayy t1_itgu1dv wrote

I agree. The choices are limited, but we shouldn’t give into the “I dunno” pressure. Republicans have a bad agenda. And if we let that come into Rhode Island, which is already pretty bad for a ‘liberal’ state, it will get exponentially worse.

At this point reproductive rights are on the chopping block along with body autonomy DUE TO REPUBLICANS. let me reiterate, REPUBLICANS ARE TAKING AWAY BASIC HUMAN BODY AUTONOMY RIGHTS. it’s disgusting through and through. Who knows what’s next.


therealDrA t1_ith59ca wrote

Under his eye


[deleted] t1_ithc99s wrote



therealrihawk t1_ithiqwj wrote

You're missing a reference to the handmaids tale. He isn't referring to McKee


dman_usa t1_iths3hl wrote

wrong again please stop watching lefist media


growupandblowawayy t1_ithso3q wrote

I will when you stop doing your “own” Facebook research.


dman_usa t1_ithvnzr wrote

i do go on facebook LOL nice try. Question for you though. If the Democratic party was for abortion, why didn’t they codify Roe V Wade into law? They had 50 years to do so?


growupandblowawayy t1_iti0w34 wrote

You’re admitting to listening to Facebook research? That’s your education? Facebook? Are you stupid? Roe v wade will be put into law now that it’s been repealed and questioned. That’s your answer. I hope you watch the news and read a few articles that are not fox.


dman_usa t1_iti1l42 wrote

huh? what are you even saying? LMFAO i dont have a facebook account, dont watch fox news, cnn msnbc or any news stations. I don’t need to. You sure are a democract cuz you dodged that question pretty good


growupandblowawayy t1_iti24hk wrote

I am not a democrat and literally answered your question and said that’s your answer. You have the reading comprehension of a toddler


dman_usa t1_iti2svh wrote

Roe V Wade was a terrible court case and was doomed to be overturned. Abortion is not a right and never will be and the overturning of Roe V Wade was a great decision. These allows voters to have a greater say on whether or not they want abortion to be allowed in their states.

Your insults don’t faze me


growupandblowawayy t1_iti3t5n wrote

Please elaborate how overturning roe was good. I want to know. In EXPLICIT details. Let me know how preventing an abortion from a unwanted pregnancy is good.


dman_usa t1_iti651z wrote

I will. Roe V Wade was too vague and certain States were passing laws that allowed abortion all the way up to nine months.

The Arguments for Roe that abortions would be safe, rare, and legal in 1973. Since than abortions were the opposite. The United States Constitution does not guarantee women the right to an abortion. The right to abortion did not outweigh the right to life which all human not here in America, but all across the world have a right to.

Abortion should be outlawed in all 50 states with no exceptions whatsoever, because the right to life outweighed the right to abortion, which is an imaginary right, that never existed. The United States Constitution again, does not guarantee a woman the right to end, another person’s life.

Hopefully, in the next 20 years abortion will be eradicated in the United States of America, and the right to life is upheld and honored by our government


growupandblowawayy t1_iti6vee wrote

Gotcha. This is where we will always disagree. I don’t think a nut in a pussy warrants some instant right to life. You do you standing up for the right of sperm having a right to vote or whatever.


dman_usa t1_iti7hcq wrote

Gotcha. So you don’t believe in individual responsibility do you?


growupandblowawayy t1_iti7roa wrote

I do? Why


dman_usa t1_iti8apn wrote

because if you believe in individual responsibility and auto factor in that having unprotected sex, with multiple partners can lead to a birth of another human life. Believing in individual responsibility is also anti-abortion, because having unprotected sex can cause another human life which than the man and the women must owe up to the consequences of their actions. Advocating for unprotected sex with multiple partners and just saying if the women become pregnant, she can have an abortion is not advocating for an individual responsibility.


growupandblowawayy t1_iti8r2x wrote

I believe that it’s a bad means to and end to force irresponsible people to birth. Do you really want people suffering like that? They themselves don’t. Let them have sex. We don’t need more orphans or baby drug addictions.

Btw I’m done talking to you. Go try to convert a homeless person or someone from your church to vote for R. Any reasonable person won’t.


dman_usa t1_iti94wa wrote

Correct so that’s why we should be advocating for a safe and responsible sex and not sex with multiple irresponsible partners


growupandblowawayy t1_iti9j45 wrote

It’s not realistic and never will be. We need abortion as a means of protecting for multiple reasons. A ban on it is archaic.


SoftwareDev401 t1_itiktxn wrote

I feel like MOST of the Republicans in this state are moderate fiscal conservatives who want to see the Dems stop giving taxpayer money to everything they possibly can. I would never vote Republican at the federal level because of the absurd impact they have on things that should not be their business. (Women's bodies, gay rights, etc.) But the democratic machine in this state has given away everything to everyone. People move here to take advantage of it.


SoftwareDev401 t1_itikup3 wrote

I feel like MOST of the Republicans in this state are moderate fiscal conservatives who want to see the Dems stop giving taxpayer money to everything they possibly can. I would never vote Republican at the federal level because of the absurd impact they have on things that should not be their business. (Women's bodies, gay rights, etc.) But the democratic machine in this state has given away everything to everyone. People move here to take advantage of it.


growupandblowawayy t1_itkc98z wrote

I live in Newport. Tell me about it. A lot of “fiscal” republicans or covert republicans. There’s gotta be a point that you realize the party won’t preserve your wealth.


And I believe that your voice at state levels reaches the federal. I don’t believe in voting d federally and r locally. That’s prob why ri is such a corrupt and messed up “democratic” state, most people here are not democrat and are from Ny or NJ avoiding taxes or some bs.


Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_itlxio0 wrote

I’m not a Republican but let’s be honest, the democrats are also taking away bodily autonomy. This we have seen aggressively over the last two years. Never thought the democrats would lose their values like that but yet, here we are. So maybe this is not a democrat/republican thing but a government overreach problem. It’s almost as if both parties got together and decided that if they work together to represent corporate interests over individual citizens that they would be more successful. It’s very important that people keep their rights over medical decisions over their own bodies. Those rights are slipping away. And it’s both parties participating in that.


overthehillhat t1_itieqpr wrote

She wants whatever she thinks we want - -

Not the first person to tell us what we want to hear


Competitive-Ad-5153 t1_itl9i98 wrote

What I can predict, without a doubt, is that the rural Rhode Islanders (Foster/Glocester, etc) will vote for her in droves. Their incredibly myopic view of politics (aka "Why should my taxes support people in Providence who just don't want to work?") is self-defeating.

She's a Trumper, plain and simple. Maybe she and Fung should move to Florida and run for office down there. No doubt they'd have a better chance...


wrap_urXhaustpipes t1_itph33h wrote

Ashley Kalus is a dumb bitch who’s just trying to ride the wave of trump voters by saying “McKee and Biden bad.”


Moelarrycheeze t1_ithd36b wrote

There’s nothing that the RI governor could do about it anyway. Energy is bought and sold on a worldwide market. The governor of a small state has almost no actual influence over the price of that energy. Maybe the US should stop trying to prolong/escalate the war in Ukraine. That might help energy prices here. I’m not holding my breath though. It’s too popular.


therealDrA t1_ithgb2f wrote

I think Putin is the problem


Moelarrycheeze t1_ithj9aw wrote

So do I. But us meddling in it just makes it worse and last longer.


therealDrA t1_ithrjl1 wrote

We can't let Russia conquer an independent democracy.


Moelarrycheeze t1_itmwa48 wrote

The same thing was said about Vietnam about 45 years ago.


therealDrA t1_itnnq22 wrote

Oh please not same at all. The better comparison is Putin as Hitler.


BigE1263 t1_itgvoo2 wrote

Honestly you can’t trust politicians anymore. Everyone has their own views and will do whatever to gain votes. Vote for your beliefs and you’ll never steer wrong.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlhu46 wrote

Im not replying anymore people are uninformed..domt listen in on Congress..too lazy and just watch what your fed. Exactly what they want.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlnf8m wrote

Vote for Ashley McKee is a no good implant


amdomweg t1_itn1ybc wrote

Have any other candidates expressed their thoughts on this subject? I think it's a very good question, and if there are any more debates coming up, it should be asked.


sriracha_Salad OP t1_itn5xyg wrote

Yeah. McKee in the debate says he has programs to help subsidize lower income people for their gas bill(didn't say in debate but I think this is federal money).

However looking at his website I don't even see any pages for his policies, so at least Kalus has something:


randomusename t1_itl5oxt wrote

Whats the McKee plan? Make up a big contract for 'energy' then give it to a crony, and start another FBI investigation of his administration?

Lets face it, if you are voting for McKee, with the ongoing FBI investigation, you are really voting for Matos as governor.


BMorris2526 t1_itisyhr wrote

No , but we are all screwed this winter. The Federal Government green new deal should have been introduced incrementally, not all at once. We are seeing the results.


SuddenlySimple t1_itkr8ir wrote

He does have the power to freeze the rates he admitted it in the debate. People trying to argue with me here go watch the debate.


Ryland42 t1_itl32my wrote

It's not that he can't do it but that he shouldn't do it. Keep reading berries your down vote me since the situation isn't cut and dry.

The pass through rate is the one that is increasing and the one that RI energy can't make profit on since it's what they are paying for the energy itself from the producers. What do you think will happen if McKee were to force RI energy to not pass the full amount they are paying so that they cover their own costs? Nothing good as far as I can tell.


SuddenlySimple t1_itl5vkv wrote

I don't give a shit if RI energy can cover their own costs we were given billions of dollars for COVID. Use that money.

Or they can borrow some money from Ukraine where all our tax dollars went which is WHY everything in US is more expensive.

That money should come back to our people and our businesses they have most people brainwashed. You included obviously.

Why is it ok for our food..gas...electric..everything to be more expensive because we give all our money to Ukraine BILLIONS..dont need to be Einstein to figure it out.


Ryland42 t1_itl9lcd wrote

At last check we have only given them old equipment we had stored and are only recently starting to give them newer equipment. I'm pretty sure we haven't actually handed money over.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlcecw wrote

I pay attention to the the bills....we have given them Billions....not Millions...Billions of OUR money.

Easy enough to look up and not fair to the US that could use a stimulus of OUR money right now...but they have it.


Ryland42 t1_itlej0g wrote

So we have gone beyond the equipment draw down. Ending the war might still be the fastest way to bring prices down.

The high electricity costs area directly related to the high natural gas cost which is being caused by the war. End the war and the prices should come down


SuddenlySimple t1_itlfu12 wrote

The costs were high before the war. And why has their war become our problem and our financial responsibility?

We gave them 2.8 Billion dollars to protect their borders from Russia and our borders stay open a deveatatimg joke to America..thats Democrats for ya


Ryland42 t1_itlgk3i wrote

It's not like we are the only country that is helping Ukraine. Letting Russia run roughshod over the world is a bad idea.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlgped wrote

Oh and Providence is a Sanctuary City..notice our crime wave is up? Along with all the other Sanctuary cities?


Ryland42 t1_itlh414 wrote

A quick search shows that violent crime is DROPPING in Providence, not going up. I don't actually see anything showing it going up.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlhlox wrote

A quick search? You think Google tells the truth? Watch and listen daily around you.

Of course it wont show its going up...daily im seeing articles on crime here its sickening..and also much to do with the recession Biden caused. People are desperate.


Ryland42 t1_itlixpl wrote

I also used duckduckgo which gave the same results. I don't have a good answer for you other than we are in an age where we area inundated by reports of what's going on whereas we hadn't been so it's makes it seem like everything is going into the toilet


SuddenlySimple t1_itlk9no wrote

Isnt it funny how everything is in the toilet since Dems are in charge?

Im older Dems weren't always like this..this is why they are able to pull off this psychop look at Event 201 and realize everything they planned for us is happening now.

We the People have no say. I have attened many RI Comgress meetings where MANY people and Institutions stand up..including me and say NO to their bills.

I check the bills daily rarely in our favor..they throw a bone once in a while.. but no matter how many people reject their bills they make the decision so they are not listening to the will of the people more people have to pay attention you have no idea what bills they're passing behind your back.

And right now because most Rhode Islanders are just listening to the TV and believing everything they hear and not paying attention to what is happening in Congress they are getting away with things they should not be getting away with and if more people stood up maybe it would stop


Ryland42 t1_itllrtq wrote

I guess it's a good thing that I don't watch the news and try to make sure anything I read comes from a range of sources. Things are currently bad around the entire world and got so after the war started which isn't the Democrats fault. The price is wheat is up because the first and second largest exporters are at war with each other that leads to highest food prices. The cost of fossil fuels are up because one of the largest exporters is being boycotted which puts a strain on other sources AND OPEC reduced their export by millions of barrels/day.

Sure though, blame the Democrats🙄


SuddenlySimple t1_itln1i3 wrote

We wouldnt need anyone's fuel if it werent for Biden Our gas and food would be cheap like it was before he was President its ALL the Dems and their selfish choices we get to suffer for Period.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlguz7 wrote

End the War? Not OUR War..End Democrat control and watch all the truth that comes to light.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlh6hh wrote

Im amazed at how many people believe the War over there increased our prices...yes didn't help cause they give our money away.

But day 1 Biden took our independent energy sources away and energy drives ALL pricing.


SuddenlySimple t1_itlghu9 wrote

And the high gas costs are directly and ONLY related to Bidens first day in office taking away our own access to America resources because they hated Trunp so much for giving the secret away that we have more ability to produce for ourselves than any other Country.

Biden and his group made sure right away other countries were happy and given hush money concerning his family business dealings.

Biden did this all..they want us dependent on them..want us mad at each other..keep promoting race wars..worst administration ever!


SuddenlySimple t1_itl6a4t wrote

Dems have to keep paying Ukraine to keep their secrets..Zelensky has it all...enjoy your high energy costs this winter..Thank the Biden Family. Oh and thank Mckee for not helping RI when he has the power to do so. Ashley will.


Greggscottpub2019 t1_itonv5o wrote

There is a flip side to the equation.

Rhode Island is a mess.

Rhode Islanders tend to keep voting in recognizable names because they are familiar.

Typically because they’ve held other positions.

So… therefore they (existing people) are part of the problem.

I’m not bashing McKee at all…

He inherited a mess from years of the same mismanagement that has plagued others before him.

Nor am I advocating for Kalus…

What I AM ADVOCATING for is this:

“Hey… it can’t really get any worse; other than if we keep doing what we’ve been doing.”

Maybe it’s someone who is not beholden to our current political machine set-up that has favors to make good on that can shake things enough to show other entrenched candidates that we are fed up with status quo.

“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” -Thomas Jefferson

Doing the same thing over and over is an exercise in futility.

Our schools are absolutely abysmal. Our roads and bridges are frightening. Our systems are failing all taxpayers.

Our retirees have left the state in droves.

Sadly curtailed pension checks supported from our tax dollars are propping up economies of other states.

Because bad policies of politics here have made people flee due to our ridiculous property taxes and cost of living.

We pay highest electricity rates and car insurance rates IN THE COUNTRY!

It’s insidious.

And no reason for us to do so…

Maybe just maybe we all could benefit from a bit of a change…


Ryland42 t1_itsrwl2 wrote

I'm picking one point out, schools.

I've been looking at various rankings and RI schools vary from 10th in the country to 27th which I wouldn't call abysmal. Our schools definitely have room for improvement but the rankings say they aren't as bad as you seem to think they are.


Greggscottpub2019 t1_itxyqcn wrote

They are the worst in New England… And there can’t be any excuses anymore.

Massachusetts our neighbor is amongst the best in the country.

As they are right next door, they have similar population demographics.

So why are we so deficient?!?

And why do we pay more per pupil?

We reportedly also pay teachers more than all but two other states in the country.

(More than MA)

I’m not saying I have an answer.

Or a conclusion.

I’m only pointing out the data facts.


SuddenlySimple t1_ithrm99 wrote

In the debate ahe asked McKee why he wasnt uaimg his Emergency powera to lower the electric and gas tax for everyone..he has for poorer people like me i got 600 dollars added to my electric bill and my gas is pending approval.

However she knows he can lower it for EVERYONE and he didnt have a good answer for her.

So to answer your question she was essentially saying she would use her powers to help everyone.

You can watch the debate on You tube.


therealDrA t1_ithw7ax wrote

He is using some of Biden's covid dollars to help out the needy. He is not lowering your rates nor does he have the power to.


SuddenlySimple t1_itkrcio wrote

He does have the power to freeze rates he admitted it go watch the debate


therealDrA t1_itm33yo wrote

No he didn't. Put down the Fox News crack pipe.


SuddenlySimple t1_itpd08a wrote


Go to 7 mins 49 seconds......HE MOST CERTAINLY DID

Additionally, there is a Subpoena for GOV McKees Administration from the FBI.,,mentioned in debate.

Do people only suck up whatever they hear on Reddit?

Go see for yourself!


Ryland42 t1_ithzgzv wrote

It's the "pass through" rate, which is what RI energy pays for the electricity, that is increasing. RI energy is not allowed to make a profit on it.


Traditional-Ad3740 t1_iti2og6 wrote

As a former Californian where the government has driven it into the ground and everyone is fleeing, I find it hard to understand why someone whom is a transplant is such a bad thing? I enjoy my new home I want to see it flourish. I haven't witnessed McKee do anything to help us, I think it's time for change or at least say something that he has done for the good of RI.


lelekfalo t1_iti7kb5 wrote

I don't like what McKee has done, either.

But I don't like that Kalus's whole persona is "not Mckee." She has literally no platform on her website. She's... just nothing.

Gizzarelli is a 3rd party candidate who will be on our ballot, and wants to immediately pardon all non-violent drug offenders.

You want change, stop voting D or R.

I will literally vote for any 3rd party candidate before I vote D or R. Libertarian, Green, The Peoples Party for the Annihilation of all Children and Grapefruits, idgaf.


Ryland42 t1_itjgrkv wrote

This is a perfect example for ranked choice voting


12stringPlayer t1_itipeww wrote

She literally moved here to run for office. It's not like she moved here 5 years ago and wanted to get involved in her new community. It's that she's a blatant opportunist who doesn't care if she's in Rhode Island, South Dakota, or West Virginia, she moved to where the GOP invited her to run.

She's got no political experience, and I don't even know if she can manage her household finances never mind a state budget. I don't know if she's stood up to a home renovation contractor, never mind a labor union.

McKee wasn't my favorite candidate by a long shot, but I'll still vote for him over Kalus. Hell, I think I'd vote for Carcieri before I voted for Kalus.

And no, I'm not voting for Gizzarelli. John Anderson taught me (and I wish he'd taught Ralph Nader) that all a 3rd party candidate does in the current system is spoil the race. But beside that, the only sign I saw for him had something about bringing back flavored vapes. Not something I'd have made a main plank of my platform, but there he is.

Libertarians piss me off anyway, because things just fall apart. I recently saw Billy Bragg, and he wrote a song about Grafton NH where Libertarians got elected to a majority of the town council. It's funny because it's true. "Living on logic sounds real good / But people don't always act the way you think that they should"


Beezlegrunk t1_itk381f wrote

>John Anderson taught me (and I wish he'd taught Ralph Nader) that all a 3rd party candidate does in the current system is spoil the race.

You’re way too old to still think a two-party system is actually functional …


12stringPlayer t1_itl8n93 wrote

That's true, I'd love to see some real change, like ranked voting. But it's not here yet, so I have to decide whether I'd like to use my vote as a protest, or to try and elect the lesser of the evils being presented.

If I'm going to vote a 3rd party candidate, they'll have to be someone I respect rather than a fool like Gizzarelli. I was always happy to vote for Bob Healey, for example.


Beezlegrunk t1_itlkkfp wrote

>”But it's not here yet, so I have to decide whether I'd like to use my vote as a protest, or to try and elect the lesser of the evils being presented.”

Translation: “I’ll perpetuate a system that I know doesn’t work because its replacement hasn’t arrived yet — precisely because people like me keep perpetuating the existing system and preventing its replacement from arriving.”

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


Beezlegrunk t1_itk2z6r wrote

The California state government “drove it into the ground”? RI residents would kill for just a fraction of California’s economy. Why did you move there in the first place, and why did you leave?


Traditional-Ad3740 t1_itkvftq wrote

I was born and raised there, cost of living was too high and quality of life was too low. They do have a booming economy but with the over regulation it's hard to survive. It also sucks to make a honest living to and ravaged by criminals whom get a slap on the wrist. I see that my opinion is unpopular however no one has any sort of rebuttal. I am not attacking any side I just don't get it is all


Beezlegrunk t1_itl3q0v wrote

> I was born and raised there

Central Valley? OC? San Diego?

>cost of living was too high and quality of life was too low.

Housing speculation in a lot of places in the U.S. has made a basic human necessity unaffordable for most people — we need to de-commodify it …

>They do have a booming economy but with the over regulation it's hard to survive.

Oxymoron? If it’s booming, how is it being over-regulated? And if those ‘oppressive’ regulations were removed, wouldn’t it “boom” even more and get even more expensive …?

>It also sucks to make a honest living to and ravaged by criminals whom get a slap on the wrist.

What kind of honest work did you do there, and what crimes were you “ravaged” by?

>I see that my opinion is unpopular however no one has any sort of rebuttal.

Not sure about that second part, but it’s hard to rebut generalities — hence my questions.

>I am not attacking any side

Didn’t you say the (Democrat-controlled) state government had driven California into the ground? They’re a side …

>I just don't get it is all

Fair point


Traditional-Ad3740 t1_itlasyj wrote

I can see you are closed minded which is part of the problem. However I will entertain your questions. I lived in LA performing contractual maintenance. It is over regulated in a sense of over taxing, silly regulations like too many cars in a private parking lot and such. I was ravaged by petty theft, a couple hundred bucks of metals cause thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. My opinion is unpopular based on the down votes. I never said Democrat....

It's cool tho, continue being a smart ass I'm doing just fine.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ith3ep9 wrote

The democrat one is working so well right now. Can’t afford gas? Buy an electric car. Can’t afford your electric bill? Buy solar panels. BTW let’s shut down coal and natural gas plants. Want a new house? Well you have to beat it with electric and not natural gas.


DisastrousFudge3593 t1_ithhtfg wrote

Every Republican is good at pointing out the Current struggles and problems however not one of them has ever and I mean EVER laid out a solid plan or even had a slightest idea of what they will do differently to make these problems go away. As a matter of fact when ideas have been floated in congress of Things that we could do to alleviate some of the pricing stresses we are facing in several different aspects of our economy ( energy, grocery, prescriptions, etc.) the policies/ideas are blocked every single time by republicans voting against them. So they simply like to talk about the e problems that we face and that cause us struggle but they certainly have no clue how to fix them nor do they care too. Let’s face it , our struggles aren’t their struggles so they don’t give a shit . And if our problems are solved them they won’t have anything to create anger and fear and division over. Republicans are pathetic nowadays and are ruining our country. Democrats aren’t anything to write home about either at this point but they are trying a lot harder then the maga trump cult movement . They have taken “politicians always lie” to a whole new level


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ithmdae wrote

You know what lowered energy prices? Trumps tax cuts.

Ironically every time democrats pass a bill aimed at lowering costs of something that something goes up in price. Education, healthcare with the ACA, energy policies that put oil and coal plants out of business -that drives up the price. Going all electric, you think a poor person can afford an electric car?


DisastrousFudge3593 t1_ithoad4 wrote

Did you read that article lol it isn’t not at all what you said … and doesn’t reflect republicans reducing the costs of anything’… it says some people also received an increase in rates . SMH… and it also says that the decreases were only bc the state law that required those companies to reduce their rates. Most companies got the tax break and profited for themselves and nobody saw the benefits of them.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ithoj8o wrote

They said the water rates increased but didn’t talk about why. And yea, utility rates should go down because the ratepayers pay the federal taxes. It’s called cause and effect.
