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BMorris2526 t1_iu64vnz wrote

Really getting sick of the corruption in RI


Hot-Cry920 t1_iu8qs32 wrote

Not just RI, MA is also full of corruption with these marijuana licenses. Its fucking bullshit let anyone open a shop if the property meets zoning requirements. No instead you need millions of liquid cash to even sniff at a license


My_Sp00n_is_too_big t1_iu6kuo1 wrote

Don’t worry voting Democrat is going to fix the problem. Republicans bad. Racism. Homophobia. Something something Bernie Sanders.


distortionisgod t1_iu6n4eo wrote

Get the fuck outta here with that. Anyone who really knows RI knows corruption is rampant and one of the only bipartisan things in our politics.


My_Sp00n_is_too_big t1_iu6vlri wrote

Oh that’s true. But breaking one party control, even once, would help.


bambooboi t1_iu7nx4r wrote

Any even vaguely conservative comment on this sub is perfunctorily downvoted. Don't fight it.

But yes, republican/democrat...corruption has no bounds in rhody. There's a non-existent republicN party in the state, hence fewer opportunities for flagrant corruption.
