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Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_iryzkpg wrote

Uhg, I refused to watch. McKee has been absolutely atrocious in office, I watched him burn healthcare to the ground from the frontline and that makes me so angry but this Kalus person looks like a giant tool that will continue in the same vein. I suspect that Kalus was brought here by the opposition so that they would have a bird in each nest. I cannot in good conscious vote for either of them.


radioflea t1_irz2lo1 wrote

This is exactly how we got in this position by people not participating in the primaries because they wanted to have a king baby moment.

The smarter choice at this point would be to vote for McKee. He’s a goof but much better than the second option.

We have a shot to at least stabilize most of what we have right now.


whatsaphoto t1_is0qxi7 wrote

> He’s a goof but much better than the second option.

Fucking hell I'm so sick of it being like this. I'll vote for the guy, but man... If this is how it's just going to be from now on I'm so upset about it.


degggendorf t1_is2uefv wrote

> because they wanted to have a king baby moment.

Please excuse my ignorance; what's a king baby moment?


radioflea t1_is3fug5 wrote

The King Baby personality - the childish ego traits seen in people who have reached adulthood without acquiring emotional maturity - a self-centeredness common to alcoholics and addicts.


mkmck t1_is0654l wrote

That's the attitude that got us Trump. Hillary was so unlikeable to many that they thought "what could be so bad about giving Trump a try?". Then he got elected, and the sane among us found out exactly why it was a bad idea giving Trump a try. I despise Hillary, but voted for her over Trump. It was a no-brainer. I'll do the same with McKee. The lesser evil of two horrible options. Smart people hold their nose and vote for the person you think is the least horrible.


Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_is18tm6 wrote

True, but maybe the better question is why are all the candidates that we are allowing to run for office such terrible people and so terrible for the population? Maybe we should start to have some rules for integrity in the process instead of it just being a race to nominate whoever will bend over the furthest to get that PAC money. I mean the whole process is so rigged from the start, you have to have giant corporate backers just to run here in RI. And then we are appalled that the one elected is a tool? I love my home state but am so saddened by what’s happening to it. Can you tell I’m frustrated?


mkmck t1_is1mkhs wrote

If you ever figure out the answer to your first question, please PM me the answer. I assume part of the problem is the intense scrutiny of every last aspect of your something you have to be prepared to deal with. Between the media and opposition research, there will be a record of every time you blew your nose, and it will be on page 1, or in the next attack ad from your opponent. It's insane. That's not an easy ask, and the "best and brightest" probably don't want to deal with it. Howard Stern warned Trump that he was going to fuck up his life forever if he got elected, and I'd say Stern was absolutely right. Trump could have gone on for eternity being the douchebag he was/is, and the average Joe wouldn't have a clue. Now the world...including a lot of law enforcement...knows all too well what he is.

Almost no one voting in primaries is another factor, I'm sure. When only the wingnuts show up, wingnuts get nominated, and one of them wins the seat.


degggendorf t1_irz166d wrote

You are obviously welcome to vote however you see fit, but my strategy is to vote for the least-bad electable candidate. I see voting for someone that will never get elected as a poor strategy. Symbolic, but also not in my best interest in reality.

Fortunately, there isn't really anyone down the rankings that I like any more, so it's not a super hard decision.


Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_is17q73 wrote

Oh I know I’m throwing my vote away. But they both represent interests that I am dead set against. I mean I guess I could go for Kalus just to get this douche McKee out of office. Not that I think for a hot second that she would repair the damage that McKee did to healthcare, but then at least I can have my KingBaby moment to attempt to screw him. Lifelong democrat here but I don’t even recognize my party anymore.


ohmygoyd t1_is2k2wu wrote

Exactly. I wanted Matt Brown but I knew I'd be absolutely throwing my vote away if I voted for him.