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DecafEqualsDeath t1_itgrsoy wrote

I don't really think that is a correct analysis of the political alignment. The GOP is becoming more nationalist and less "classically liberal" by the day.

The Democratic Party on the other hand, in the modern era, has always had some significant Keynesian/interventionist elements. What party do you think you have to thank for the Housing Act (aka OG Section 8) in the first place?


lazydictionary t1_ithf3dp wrote

The FDR and LBJ party is not the same as the modern party. Modern democrats are owned by big business.


russsaa t1_iti8gme wrote

Homie republicans are too. American politics is a battle of lobbyists


DecafEqualsDeath t1_ithz24l wrote

This is just lazy. The Democratic Party is a big tent for better or worse and therefore has a variety of ideologies and positions in it. A public option, renewing the Child Tax Credit, a corporate minimum tax and free community college are WELL within the middle of the current party.