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CleanWhiteSocks t1_is6stsa wrote

Liz at Unicorn Ink in Lincoln is really good.


morewinepwease t1_is6v2q8 wrote

Here to 2nd anyone at Unicorn Ink. They're all very talented, just look at each artist's insta to see who is most your style


TYLRwithspaces OP t1_is6tjx1 wrote

Thanks! Do you have her Instagram by any chance? I’d love to check it out


GEARHEADGus t1_is7pw13 wrote

I can vouch for Liz. She did my first tat. Her scheduling is a bit difficult cause she has limited hours but worth it


RiverTam218 t1_is7tnel wrote

Another vote for Liz! She just did a tattoo for me at the end of august that came out amazing!


Party-Expression7024 t1_is9y7vr wrote

6th? Liz, I have a couple by her and she does a wonderful job and is also an awesome person.