GEARHEADGus t1_jds3hjo wrote

Im aiming for the sweet spot between academic and popular. I’ve got several things going at the moment. Prohibition, policing, labor, and some womens things at the local level. All meant to tie into each other eventually.

As for your last question: both, actually. Writing and research


GEARHEADGus t1_j9n46q4 wrote

How the hell do i find historiographies?

I’ve searched to no avail. I’ve tried google, but ever since they messed with algorithm its dogshit.

Im trying to find a historiography of prohibition (temperance.) if anyone can help, id appreciate it


GEARHEADGus OP t1_j9h353y wrote

Really? Strange. I must have never noticed them. Oh well. As fair as I’m aware its not actually state property? And as long as I’m not camping or shooting up, I doubt anyone will care if I pickup junk off the shoreline. Plus the beach is hard to see from the bike path.. and the cops have much more important things haha


GEARHEADGus OP t1_j9d48my wrote

I believe the subtitle on the sign is correct. I checked the GIS maps put out by the City of Providence and it says its owned by the nursing home. Again, I don’t think anyone will care - i think its just to deter the homeless and would be needle users.


GEARHEADGus OP t1_j9bu1kc wrote

Its also apart of the property behind, not the state. I still think its cause of the homeless camps. I doubt anyones gonna say anything, especially if i walk out with a bag full of trash. The amount of discarded needles is disgusting