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Wejdanalaradi OP t1_isx6hbe wrote

Yes , I’m going through a scholarship.And I’m already accepted in New York ( utica &brooklyn) but I’m thinking if the Rhode Island is less expensive on living wise than new york.


[deleted] t1_isx89yy wrote



LlewfromHammerfell t1_isxjdz9 wrote

This is true. Brooklyn is ridiculously expensive. Utica is cold, gray and snowy and crime is high there.


Guyincognito4269 t1_it08d22 wrote

Especially since I guess that you're going to Pratt. It's more expensive than it used to be in the 90s, but then again, Myrtle Ave used to be known as Murder Ave.


wyldweasil t1_isxbswq wrote

Utica will be less expensive than Rhode Island. Brooklyn, while it would be a great NYC experience is going to be far more expensive, since Utica is way upstate. But Utica is also pretty much in the snowiest region of NY, so take that into account.

The only real advantages to Rhode Island over both is the closeness of things. Cost wise It's not as cheap as it used to be up here. Sure it'll be cheaper than Brooklyn.


BitterStatus9 t1_it00x8m wrote

Well the real advantage may be that RISD is a superior school for studying art (depending on what specific program it is).


laterbacon t1_isyyn0r wrote

RISD is one of the best schools of its type in the US. Providence is definitely more affordable than NYC. I'm not sure about Utica, but I've been there and it's pretty isolated and run down. Providence is a great city and RISD is in the heart of the best part of it. Also, you'll be able to walk to the station and get to Boston and NYC on the train pretty affordably.


SufficientZucchini21 t1_isyng30 wrote

Utica is a hole. Pratt MWP? Cheap but depressed area. Highly depressed. I know because I grew up in the region and did my first couple years of college in Utica.

I'd do Brooklyn or RI over Utica 10/10 times.


Wejdanalaradi OP t1_iszme1f wrote

Yes. I’m accepted to Pratt. But I’ll study 2 years in Utica and 2 years in Brooklyn main campus


SufficientZucchini21 t1_iszoi9u wrote

Best thing from Utica are the chicken riggies. Many good people too. Not a hot spot nor really safe otherwise.


Better2022 t1_iszuo0e wrote

Utica is the cheapest to live. But, the weather is depressing. Brooklyn is the most fun but is the most expensive of the three. RISD is in one of the best areas in Providence so it's safe, but expensive (though not as expensive as Brooklyn).

I have been to (many times) or lived in all three places you listed.


JTPH_70 t1_it08klt wrote

New York City has now been named the most expensive city in the world.


Peach_enby t1_iti2btt wrote

Less expensive than Brooklyn but still pricey