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Grainger407 t1_it26ey3 wrote

It’s in effect now. I think a lot of people are fighting it. But I know for a fact landlords are enforcing it.

Kids also getting around it aswell. Really stupid if you ask me.


AleutianMegaThrust t1_it2c3fx wrote

So no more renting out houses in Scarborough and Bonnet shores?


Grainger407 t1_it2g02y wrote

Not exactly. A lot of kids are being forced to live with 3 instead of say 4 or 5. The owners have to jack up the rent to break even. It sucks. I know plenty of kids who are just “renting with 3” and having 1 or 2 kids stay there even though they rnt on the lease. It’s hurting the local economy and it shows. Kids will party regardless of how many kids live in a house. Personally, I think it’s a dumb rule and I can see it being turned over.


AleutianMegaThrust t1_it3yr5l wrote

Jesus that's dumb. Back from 2009-2012 it was 500 per month for 5 people in a house in eastward. I could only imagine what it costs now.


DeanOMiite t1_it58ygc wrote

I paid $400 for Bonnet for a couple years (four beds) and had a three bedroom at point Judith for....I think $450? Now I have a client (I'm a realtor) who gets $1000 per bed near PC (utilities included). Times have changed.


Human-Ad2370 t1_itbj18m wrote

It’s a minimum 800 - 1500 per room


AleutianMegaThrust t1_itbk9h2 wrote

Holy sheit. Bye bye 56 Exeter, 6 Alexander ct, and 6 Ashton Ln. Sorry about the ragers and that one house fire. Fuck all the out of state roommates I had that one year.


Desperate_Expert_952 t1_it3knyz wrote

If you go to gansett their are plenty of college kids living together over 3 heads. It’s not an enforceable ordinance.


Grainger407 t1_it3uv0o wrote

I graduated recently from URI. Some landlords absolutely enforce it. Others turn a blind eye like I said in my last comment. People will have 100+ person parties if 3 people live in a house or 5. It doesn’t solve anything other than make college kids lives harder.


DeanOMiite t1_it593ob wrote

Right? I mean if anything it just means the drunk kids have another room to pas out in without worrying about sleeping in someone else's bed. It's not like they walled off every fourth bedroom.


barsoapguy t1_it40vve wrote

Could people sue the colleges then for the behavior of their member’s or perhaps the colleges could expel the students then ? If this is about the behavior of the students that should involve the parent organization .


Grainger407 t1_it417l4 wrote

Students definitely face repercussions when they live off campus. I have heard of multiple people getting in trouble with the school for disturbances/ breaking laws/ rules of the school. Sue? Not entirely sure.