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SweatyCockroach8212 t1_iwnm7mw wrote

support: give assistance to

rebellion: an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.

insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government.

The government is the people in it. Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi are the government. Sure sounds like he supported an insurrection or rebellion against the government. That's using the language in the Constitution.


daymanahhhahhhhhh t1_iwnn4am wrote

Who’s he? Are you talking about trump? Yes he did. I never disagreed. Maybe you meant the comment for someone else.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iwnqc0j wrote

Your interpretation is incorrect because it requires ignoring "having previously taken an oath" part of of that statement. That's a pretty important part of this.

My regular dumb ass leading a rebellion wouldn't be the same as someone who'd already taken an oath for the government doing the same.


SweatyCockroach8212 t1_iwnxy7s wrote

Right. This is why Cicilline is looking to use the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from being eligible to be President again. He took the oath and he supported an insurrection or rebellion against the government.