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Evdoggydog15 t1_iy5np3o wrote

Sure it's not Covid? Took me 3 rapids before I confirmed this weekend. Initial symptoms felt like flu.


stalequeef69 OP t1_iy5nsox wrote

Everyone is sick around me and all tested negative for covid


summerchilde t1_iy6kvzs wrote

I was feeling off and tested negative. Tested again 3 days later as positive. Feels a lot like the flu. Test again.


stalequeef69 OP t1_iy6ltmn wrote

Actually just took another test 15 mins ago. Still negative. Everyone else tested negative too. Whatever it is still isn't the most fun thing in the world.


summerchilde t1_iy6p43t wrote

Probably the flu or rsv. Get well soon! I’m on day 4 of Covid and it sucks.


SuddenlySimple t1_iy60xzn wrote

COVID is gone in the wind and has been for over a year...they just call everything COVID and on the tests, if you have any SARS virus (cold) you are going to test positive.


Doodledoodledewd t1_iy67v0k wrote

Wind is a myth. All the leaves move at the same time to mimic wind. Leaves aren’t real either.


climb-high t1_iy6uusb wrote

I like this idea, new one for me. Got any references?


SuddenlySimple t1_iy7r12c wrote

Go to You Tube and watch any video from Dr. Michael Yeadon ex CEO of Pfizer
