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NTSTwitch t1_iymqbz9 wrote

Reply to comment by jt_tesla in Check your headlights! by lugo2

You know what’s interesting? I’m fully aware of the light flashing trick, but every time someone does it to me I have no idea wtf is going on.

I have automatic headlights. Every time I let someone borrow my car (maybe 2-3 times a year), they turn the lights on and off when they get in and out of the car. So I’m sitting in my car cruising around like a dumbass, assuming my lights are on, and everyone’s flashing at me along the road and I have no idea why. Gets me every time and I feel like a dumbass lol.


karnim t1_iymrniz wrote

The roads around here aren't good enough to rely on the headlight trick I think. So many times I think someone is flashing their lights and they're just going over train tracks, or a pothole, or a bump in the road.


aubergineeggplant t1_iynqfk8 wrote

Yup. Thinking people are flashing when it’s a pothole or a speed bump gives me constant anxiety about driving at night.


FourAM t1_iypt7bd wrote

99% of the time, cars have separate bulbs/lenses for high beams. If the flashes look like they’re coming from the same bulb and there are relatively few of them, it’s probably a bump. Usually, when people flash their lights, they do it more than once.


ShiningSquirrel t1_iynlrub wrote

I have automatic headlights as well, but I keep them on at all times. During the day it just makes the car more visible, so a little extra safety is a good thing.


NTSTwitch t1_iynm5e8 wrote

Do your headlights shut off automatically when you turn off the car? I still have paranoia about leaving headlights set to “on” because I had an older car for years and I made that mistake on a regular basis LOL.


ShiningSquirrel t1_iynmrfr wrote

Yes. They have a timer so they turn off after about 30 seconds. Gives me enough time to go up the stairs and in my front door while its well lit.


Blackbird8919 t1_iynhdab wrote

This exact thing happened to me last week 😭 my best friend had moved my car around in the driveway and messed with my lights. Drove home later and had two people flash lights at me and I had no idea why. Got to my back road to go to my apartment and realized they were off. Felt like a complete idiot.


therealrihawk t1_iyrhd0w wrote

This is the exact reason that I believe auto manufacturers should remove the off portion of the switch. DRLs are bright enough to confuse people thinking their lights are on when they are not, and they have no tail lights at all which is incredibly dangerous! Auto headlights are foolproof these days, so it makes sense to me to just remove the manual option entirely. What do you think?