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fishythepete t1_j1ido02 wrote

>Unless invited in. such as a warming station or shelter, the public is not allowed in government owned spaces. This was decided a long time before I was born.

So you’re from the future? Because this also ain’t it.


March_Latter t1_j1ieqwj wrote

Really? Why don't you go hang out in your town hall today. Its a public space, must be open to the public. Perhaps tonight you can go camping in Roger Williams Park. Just disregard those stupid signs that claim you can't. How about this a reservoir is obviously public land. Go fishing.


fishythepete t1_j1igoz4 wrote



>Why don't you go hang out in your town hall today. Its a public space, must be open to the public.

I’m certainly able to go and park in the parking lot. That’s a government owned space - per you, not allowed.

>Perhaps tonight you can go camping in Roger Williams Park. Just disregard those stupid signs that claim you can't.

But you can visit the park can’t you? Wait - that’s a government owned space - per you, not allowed.

>How about this a reservoir is obviously public land. Go fishing.

How about this - a street is obviously public land. Go for a drive? Wait - that’s a government owned space - per you, not allowed.

Or maybe, just maybe, there’s far more nuance to the whole topic than:

Unless invited in the public is not allowed in government owned spaces.


March_Latter t1_j1ih1aw wrote

I have to know... Rhode islanders as a whole have to be the dumbest group of people I interact with. Is it the water? Is it deliberate? For gods sake stop having children.