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United-Broccoli-5505 t1_j6hs3b5 wrote

Resident here working remote for a company in Boston. If you think working remotely means someone doesn't contribute to a state, you are mistaken. This isn't the 1980s anymore, things are changing. Rhode Island doesn't have enough jobs to even sustain everybody, and people have been living in RI working in CT and Mass for years.


bungocheese t1_j6hw7x1 wrote

yes and instead of people that live and work and try to contribute to the state getting better it just turns into a place for people from other towns to sleep in. Yeah you pay taxes but do nothing to actually help. You get paid well working in boston because it's supposed to pay to live in boston, our median income in RI is lower and hiking up our real estate just because you can just hurts your neighbors but that doesn't matter to any of you so who am i to complain.


United-Broccoli-5505 t1_j6hwqys wrote

Bold of you to assume what I do outside of work, or even how my work can help RI as a whole in the long run. I still pay the difference in income taxes. You realize the income taxes is the only difference, right? My expanded income allows me to contribute more to the RI economy than before. Stop looking at remote work as so black and white.


aryawatching t1_j6hxedc wrote

What do you mean by not actually helping? Helping towards what? It sounds like cheaper housing but curious for clarification.


bungocheese t1_j6hxzia wrote

meaning helping our state become better for the residents of the state, working for a company in RI that employs people and pays well so that people that live here can actually afford to live here, or starting a company in RI that improves the lives of the residents in one way or another.


aryawatching t1_j6i4ttm wrote

People who work for companies whose HQ is in another state do contribute by paying state income taxes that go into local initiatives that help improve the state, property tax for local education, sales tax, and then shop at local businesses, buy local restaurants...all helping out local residents and out neighbors.

Think of the perspective that just because a company has an office or HQ in a specific city/state doesn't mean it only serves that city or state. Companies have interstate and global reaches and it doesn't matter where the office building is. It's like saying people who live in states outside of RI can't work for CVS because their HQ is in RI. I can live in RI and work for a company anywhere if the job permits it AND still contribute positively to the local community where I live.