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Mountain_Bill5743 t1_j44mprl wrote

I am so sorry to hear it. It sounds like two really badly timed traumatic events. Smith hill can be a mixed experience, from what I hear. If it makes you feel any less guilty about your moving choices (which you shouldn't feel bad about), I know someone who lived on the East Side and had two home invasions the week they moved in (same perpetrator, took the spare key) which always helped me keep in mind that crime can be really random, even in the sleepiest neighborhoods.

You are absolutely right that it's not even about money or credit these days, but simply about luck and timing. I had the best luck by sorting by new. If you need to move ASAP and just want it over with and don't feel lile a competition, you can find a 2k studio in any of the new builds available now and I can tell you they are willing to negotiate for under a year, if that's what you want. These arent the most exciting buildings and overpriced, but they are all very well lit and in safe areas and moving in should be a breeze.