Submitted by t3_10ah90g in RhodeIsland

Me, my girlfriend and our beloved cat Jaws moved to from Warwick to Providence a year ago. This was a huge mistake.

We live in the Smith Hill area. I underestimated just how dangerous the area was. I was more concerned for my girlfriend and Cats safety. Luckily, my girlfriend and cat haven't had any major instances.

I was jumped by 3 men in late July of 2022. A random act of violence. Right outside Providence Place Mall. Other than aggressive crack heads, Providence has been a interesting experience to say the least.

For what ever reason my first floor neighbors (I live on the second floor) randomly decided to either have a midlife crisis or start doing hard drugs. Possibly both. They went from normal, friendly people, to dangerous, violent, psychopaths. This started a few months ago.

Long story short they play OBNOXIOUSLY loud music, inside. It literally shakes my walls, floors, and furniture. They have knocked stuff off my walls, and caused lack of sleep. Of coarse I tried texting them, calling them, even knocking on their door. And for what ever reason 2 weeks ago, I knocked, asked him to turn the music down. Not off, just down...He went absolutely ballistic

It turned into me having to call Providence PD 3 times that night. They have him a ticket. Even though he punched, kicked, spit, on my door. Yelled threats, threw stuff at my door and ripped a stairs railing out of the wall. He than decides to hit my floor with a broom or something until 10:30 am. This all started the previous night at 11:30 pm.

My girlfriend has very serous and intense anxiety. She is a absolute wreck and lives in constant anxiety, because the music and banging start at random times. My cat hides alot now. He never used to do that.

It just started again tonight. I calmly knocked on his door, asked his wife to speak to him. She said he wasn't home . I tell her "tell him to come see me when he-"

She cuts me off with yelling and insults. I don't speak Spanish, it was half English half Spanish. Anyway, considering her husband is most certainly not a man, he gets home and starts punching doors. Yelling screaming. My girlfriend covers her ears in our bedroom, terrified.

I don't care about me. I don't care about my safety or my sleep. I care about her safety and her sleeping. We are that weird couple who loves our pets very much. So to see them like's been fucking with me alot. I feel powerless, like I can't protect them. This has been very heavy on my mind and shoulders.

Anyway , as of typing this, they literally left the house 3 times to pick up people to have a makeshift party. Which is what they are doing right now. My girlfriend just left in a Uber to a friend's house as she is on the verge of a full blown mental brakedown.

And I'm just sitting here, waiting for anything to happen...

The landlord. He kind of is powerless in this situation. The only thing he can do is threaten to now renew their lease. But obviously we aren't talking about the brightest people. He's also out of state. Amd quite frankly seems annoyed with updates, questions, or news.

Obviously we are looking for a new place. We have been together for almost 10 years. No kids no drugs, we don't drink. No blemishes on credit scores like evictions. Never have been evicted. No criminal record of anykind. All that good stuff

Looking for a place has been very difficult and frustrating. We have the money, money is not the issue right now. Right now the problem is alot of people are looking, so if someone applies for the same place we do and they have a slightly better credit score, or no pets, make more annually we are instantly taken out of contention.

If you, or someone you know, had a studio apartment, a 1 bed room, a in-law apartment, a finished basement, garage, attic etcetera I don't care, and are interested in a very easy $1,500-$2,000 a month, please DM me so we can talk.

Haye shoveling snow? Haye raking leafs? I'll do it. Not to kiss ass, but because I used to enjoy that kinda thing when I lived in Warwick. Can't do yard work in the concrete jungle of Providence.

Want references? Absolutely. Want background checks? Absolutely. Want me to legally sign over my right kidney to you? You got it.

We can only stay 6 months- a year? Absolutely. Just please help us get out of here.

I'm a Chef for a restaurant on Federal Hill. My girlfriend is also in the restaurant industry. We mind our own business and very rarely is never have or even want company. Simple, polite and eager to give you money. Want first month and a security deposit? Again, Absolutely.

Obviously, if you are interested we can DM, text, or talk on the phone for more details.



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t1_j44o9b3 wrote

Oh no!

I have a $1,500 place in Smith Hill that thankfully has very good neighbors. It’s actually 3 bedroom and is an amazing deal for this price. I was planning to move at the end of February, but I actually also was thinking about moving out early and spending a few weeks in France anyway. If you would like, I’m pretty sure I can arrange to be out relatively quickly. I have a flight to Europe scheduled for next Friday and I’d be willing to get all my stuff out as quickly as you need it. If it’s a true emergency, I can even move out this weekend. I’d set you up with the landlord and/or let you come over to see if you like the place.

I have heard some loud music occasionally coming from somewhere in Smith Hill, but really I feel like this is kind of a safe, quiet street with decent sensible people. I definitely feel safe here.

Send me a message if you’re interested in getting some more details on this.


t1_j44pz7a wrote

I sent you a Reddit DM with my phone number. I do not check Reddit DMs very consistently, so if interested just open the DM, get my number, and let’s transition to normal text message. I can get you pics and links and connect you with the landlord and stuff.

(And/or good luck if you choose another option. I really do think this is just an amazing deal for the price.)


t1_j44eoc2 wrote

Check this out listed 1 day ago by property owner. Hasn’t got a ton of interest yet. Don’t wait and text them right away


t1_j44cqpz wrote

My wife and I were physically attacked by some nut case at noon on a Sunday near the mall in 2019. Now I don't want to go back anymore, ever again. Sorry you're experiencing this, honestly.


t1_j45bxgd wrote

I had a similar experience sitting in Providence. Waterplace park, broad daylight. Some crackhead losers "Give me your phone. Give me your money" Upset I didn't have cash, who carries cash these days? Especially around shit hole Providence. City is garbage. I avoid now at all costs.


t1_j46w53z wrote

"City is garbage" based on a few areas? I do agree that waterplace park isn't a good place to hangout when waterfire isn't happening. I think there are some nice parts of Providence lol. I like the east side.


t1_j46ykzl wrote

Eh that's almost like its own thing. Some parts seem a world away from Prov itself. But comment stands imo...Prov generally speaking has gotten really bad. I live in Smithfield now. I promise I can go sit on a bench in my local park without some thugs grabbing me, throwing me to the ground and kicking me in the ribs and head while demanding my stuff. Sorry if I seem a little bitter but ngl that kind of experience stays with one and will change how one sees things. I had to go to the hospital. I was worried for an instant I might die. If not for a random good Samaritan coming to my rescue I just dk. I had nightmares for months after and occasionally still do. Fuck providence. Not a safe place. A person should be able to enjoy a bench in a park in broad daylight without being attacked...if they can't, then yeah that city is garbage. Not like I'm the only one or my experience is shockingly rare as someone else here already noted.


t1_j4757ec wrote

It will change how one sees the city, and once again I’m sorry that happened to you. Waterplace park always feels eerie to me. Pretty much no one there, and it’s out of sight from the road, so people aren’t coming to help you. I hate that downtown providence is like this.


t1_j47egyx wrote

Agreed. Ever since then I've been totally weary of the city. I moved out the following week, broke my lease and all I dc. And I'm just more fearful in general but I've talked to prolly 10 ppl who have experienced similar personally nevermind the news stories and it's 100% no disrespect/shit on anyone who lives there, I lived there myself and at one point thought it was a cool place.

It's more or less just upset that somewhere I wanted to be once upon a time ago is over run by crime and losers. Even when I drive thru now it's just like wtf. Maybe 6 weeks ago I went out to a bar with a friend. On our way home I saw a group of people fist fighting and kicking a guy on the ground stomping on him. It's like...not a good (even ok) place anymore. I won't even go back for a bar/club now. I just wish it wasn't so crime ridden and I don't fully get why or when it got so bad. 10 years ago even I loved being there, it wasn't perfect but's way worse now. EP I'd still visit and my cousin lives on the east side in a good neighborhood but most of prov is scary these days sadly.

And yes waterplace park is out of sight in hindsight (20/20). The guy who ran and helped me was in a friggin full suit and tie. I don't even kno his name but he's my God damn hero. He chased off 3 guys and a girl wailing on me. People like that restore my faith in humanity cuz he could've turned and ignored it but chose to help and risk his own safety. I hope that dude has wonderful karma.


t1_j47kh4s wrote

I wonder if higher foot traffic in the city would result in less random crime like that.

Also that guy is a hero!


t1_j496sjj wrote

He really was. And I dk. We need higher foot traffic of bros like him. Not thieves and shit sacks.


t1_j49lq4m wrote

Yeah that’s what I mean. Just higher foot traffic of people going to and coming from work. Especially at night more people going to restaurants, bars, etc.


t1_j44ey3u wrote

I'm a landlord and he can most definitely evict them. They have damaged the property. It takes a little time but he should do it.


t1_j44mxhv wrote

Used to live on douglas avenue , near chad.

Shots fired every other night. A few nights it was right in front of my house. I knew it would be different but I didn't know it would be a war zone. There was one particular night that it was literally back and forth in front of the house , had to run to the bathroom. We moved out 6 months later. Providence isn't for everyone ... it wasn't for me and i'll never go back. I'm happy driving down the road seeing cows and chickens. It's much quiter. DM me, i may have some leads.


t1_j49xuz7 wrote

There are plenty of nice neighborhoods in Providence were you don't have to deal with that.


t1_j44lc45 wrote

I can rent you my 2 bedroom apartment in front of the park. I'll PM you more info now


t1_j44elo9 wrote

Do you need to be around the PVD area? I have friends at Cumberland Crossing who have been there for 2 years and love it. 1-2 beds in your price range.


t1_j44kxpk wrote

I lived there for five years. They increased rent yearly, but was great other than that. Very quiet. Friendly neighbors


t1_j45pp89 wrote

I currently live here and it’s not great at all. The trash situation is a nightmare and maintenance doesn’t care about issues. Had a flood this past weekend. Ac broke for three weeks in July without any concern. Dog waste receptacles are removed and over flowing. My apartment area has not lights that work so it’s pith black dark.

I can’t wait to move they keep jacking up the rent too


t1_j45s2ae wrote

There maybe will be 1 beds in that range but not 2. I wouldn’t live there. We lived there this past year temporarily while moving and wouldn’t again. The other commenter is right


t1_j44mprl wrote

I am so sorry to hear it. It sounds like two really badly timed traumatic events. Smith hill can be a mixed experience, from what I hear. If it makes you feel any less guilty about your moving choices (which you shouldn't feel bad about), I know someone who lived on the East Side and had two home invasions the week they moved in (same perpetrator, took the spare key) which always helped me keep in mind that crime can be really random, even in the sleepiest neighborhoods.

You are absolutely right that it's not even about money or credit these days, but simply about luck and timing. I had the best luck by sorting by new. If you need to move ASAP and just want it over with and don't feel lile a competition, you can find a 2k studio in any of the new builds available now and I can tell you they are willing to negotiate for under a year, if that's what you want. These arent the most exciting buildings and overpriced, but they are all very well lit and in safe areas and moving in should be a breeze.


t1_j44eqes wrote

I'm so sorry you are in that situation, and I really wish I owned a property to rent to you and your girlfriend. Have you considered a long term rental through Airbnb to get you out of that place until you find another one? It sounds like the conflict is escalating with your neighbors. I wish you both luck in finding a new place you feel safe in. 🙏


t1_j45555j wrote

Your landlord can and absolutely should evict them. He should be resolving this for you. They have damaged property and are threatening your safety. Him being powerless is bullshit.

Until you find another place, stop engaging with them. Don't knock, don't talk to them, don't text them. You know it doesn't get them to stop what they're doing, so it's no use anyway. The landlord and the cops are your go between. Sometimes neighbors who get along well can resolve things amongst themselves but much of the time you end up with stuff like this. Block them and avoid them.

Good luck. Hopefully these leads pan out for you.


t1_j44fbsb wrote

Sorry you are going through this. Smith Hill is definitely one of the shittier parts of the city. Try going further up Smith towards centerdale or out Douglas past admiral. The further away from downtown you get it generally becomes more families and chiller. I see a ton of for rent signs on Douglas and Admiral all the time.


t1_j44upzn wrote

So true. I live further up off of Smith near the NP line. VERY quiet and safe here.


t1_j44oc3d wrote

Hey I have my apartment that I’m leaving that isn’t awful at all on the west end opening up Feb 1 under your budget with 1 bedroom and a bonus room pm me and I’ll give you the details to contact the landlord and see the spot


t1_j44lcie wrote

Going to send you a message if that’s alright - I may be able to help. I’m so sorry for what you and your gf and your cat are going through.


t1_j44ygrl wrote

Your situation sounds awful. I’m sorry you’re dealing with psycho neighbors.

Just curious, where were you jumped outside of the mall? The only part that always feels sketchy to me is the shortcut that goes under the mall next to the river.


OP t1_j44zpn1 wrote

I've herd plenty of people say that about the path under it. It's very sketchy. This happened directly infront of the large staircase, right in the middle of the river bridge. They kicked and punched my head like a soccer ball.

The best part? When I got up, a large group of college age students left the mall, I walked up to them bleeding and hurt. Before I said anything one of them said "sorry we can't give you any money"

I said no, I was just jumped, they stole my phone, can you just call 911 for me? He said "no sorry, but the mall security could?" And they just walked away gawking at me. I think they were foreign exchange students or something.

They threw my back back into the river as well. It had $800 cash in it (rent money) my Shady landlord prefers cash. Not the brightest people


t1_j451k98 wrote

God, wtf is wrong with people??

Also yeah, that path under the mall “feels off”. If I go there even during the day I make sure to time it when someone else is going through. At night it feels like a great spot to get mugged. Out of sight, dim lights, plenty of spots for people to hide. I wish that part of PVD near the mall felt safer to walk. Also when waterfire isn’t happening I always avoid that area near the river bridge 😬


t1_j4agzay wrote

I have a beautiful apartment 11 minutes away from Federal hill in a GOOD neighborhood. One bedroom, snow removal and lawn care, washer and dryer, free-Wi-Fi. $1,500. This app is not letting me direct message you and my name is in my email so I don’t want to post it lol.


t1_j44c4b7 wrote

I’m sorry you’re in this situation. Sent you a pm.


t1_j44eupn wrote

Try Rising Sun Mills on Valley St in Olneyville. Animal-friendly, nice neighbors (at least the ones I’ve seen), beautiful lofts with some of the better insulation between apartments. Good luck!


t1_j44hl5m wrote

Hey man, I can't really help you on the housing front, but if you're concerned about personal safety, consider getting some OC spray. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them, and provide training when I'm back stateside.

Source: I'm a non lethal weapon instructor in the RIARNG.


OP t1_j44l2ry wrote

I'm actually more afraid that I will do something to him. I'm not trying to sound edgy, or like a big tough guy, but I'm twice his size and he is a complete coward. BUT I don't know if he has weapons etc.

Plus I just don't want to hurt anyone. I'm not that type of person . I really don't wanna punch or hit this guy, even though he is putting us through this


t1_j44qs1v wrote

That's one of the upsides of OC; it carries less potential of permanent damage than throwing hands. While the effects are quite unpleasant in the short term, there is no lasting damage, and I've seen first hand how quickly it can bring an encounter to an end.


t1_j44klha wrote

I’m so sorry you’re going through this, it sounds like hell. Hopefully one of these leads works out. Praying for you guys.


t1_j44qbh1 wrote

I really pray one of these leads helps you guys! 🙏🏻 Update us don’t leave us hanging haha


OP t1_j44z2ly wrote

A lot of very nice people have gone above and beyond for me. Kinda restored my faith in humanity. Just blown away kinda


t1_j44tjtt wrote

I really hope you find something soon. No one deserves to be stuck with that kind of fear from awful people.

Hoping for the best for you all.


t1_j45yzfj wrote

I know this sounds crazy but have you considered staying in a hotel for the immediate future? You can often negotiate pay if you stay for a while (I’ve had to do this for work travel and a lot of places have worked with me, some not though it really just depends). It could fit in your budget for the short term if you need to be out right now for peace of mind.


t1_j464swd wrote

First of all, I'd stop paying rent immediately. Let the landlord come after you and explain this to a judge. Won't be worth his time.


t1_j46xfuh wrote

I am assuming you are trying to stay near Providence, but I have a bedroom opening up in my 3 bedroom apartment in South Kingstown, Feb 1. Rent/utilities is about $800 per month. If you're interested send me a message and we can chat to see if it would be a good fit :) we are all in our mid 20s, working professionals. We do have a cat as well :) I'm sorry you're dealing with all of that.


t1_j44t94l wrote

Hey you checked with Omni? I lease my apartment at Fed Hill through them and really enjoy the area. Very strong police presence. I can send you emails or phone numbers if you’d like.


t1_j44zw90 wrote

Try Greenbrier, they’re an apartment complex in Seekonk.


t1_j450b2b wrote

Wishing you and your girlfriend and cat all the best bud! No one deserves to live like that


t1_j45z7zj wrote

Does it have to be in providence? Im in a triple decker in Attleboro, the third floor is empty and renovated and the first floors eviction goes through in 2 weeks. It’s close to the commuter rail and highway. I commuted to college in prov from here very easily. Landlord lists “no pets” but I was able to move in with 2 cats because I wrote a nice email saying they’re good kitties. The units aren’t posted as available but they are empty/soon to be empty and he will take my recommendation if you’re interested. Best of luck.


t1_j469bff wrote

Funny, I tried to warn some folks away from moving into PVD for the exact sort of troubles OP is having just a couple of days ago and that subreddit reacted like I was some insane MAGA douchebag.

I commiserate man, it is an absolute and utter dump, and I wish I could help.


t1_j46s694 wrote

I have a 2 bedroom coming up for $1400 off north main st in Providence near the Peter Pan bus terminal if you would like to see it. Sorry to hear this.


t1_j44xqzu wrote

I hope you find something ASAP.

I'm leaving my current apartment at the end of the month, but my landlord wants to use my apartment (one side of a duplex) while he renovate some things on his side. Not sure how long it will take him, but if you are still searching in March then message me and I'll try to connect you guys.

I hope you find something before then, tho.


t1_j451ut2 wrote

Hey, I’m so sorry to hear that you both have gone through so much. It sounds truly horrible. I really hope you find somewhere soon. I just wanted to suggest looking on for places in Cumberland and Lincoln because they’re not that bad of a drive to Federal Hill, because you’re going to get more space indoors and outdoors, and because for the most part, most places are very quiet and safe. If you need help with anything please feel free to reach out. Best of luck!


t1_j45n9mk wrote

Moving from Warwick to Smith Hill is like moving to another dimension. Good luck finding a new spot. I hope it all works out for you


t1_j45teel wrote

Sorry that’s happened to you OP. Wow, I’ve had shitty neighbors before but they’re on another level. And now you’ve made me aware of danger at Providence Place. I’ve always felt providence has so much potential… wtf… hope you get out of the situation soon


t1_j46wgte wrote

I sent this to some people i hope someone i know can help Good luck and sorry for what you are going thru


t1_j47y28m wrote

Yet another slumlord. Basically every landlord I know who's not owner occupied is a slum lord, couldn't give a shit less if the tenants kill each other, call an airstrike down on the property, brew radioactive meth in the basement, etc.


t1_j486ji7 wrote

>I don't care about me. I don't care about my safety or my sleep. I care about her safety and her sleeping.


>I feel powerless, like I can't protect them. This has been very heavy on my mind and shoulders.

The only reason your wife and cat would be in danger is because of your actions. Stop getting aggressive with your neighbor.


t1_j4hafhf wrote

Carry a large knife, a taser, a pepper ball gun or pepper spray at least until you move


t1_j66vcix wrote

I’d recommend looking at Tower Hill Landings and any other group own by the landings group. Super great/understanding company (at least from what we’ve come across) and usually have openings.


t1_j4667kt wrote

I would literally offer my home if we had the space and didn’t have a crazy dog who would torment your cat. Sending you positive vibes that you will get out of there!


t1_j472y8o wrote

Providence hasn’t been safe for years


t1_j49x02x wrote

Yeah it's a city. It's not dangerous as a whole.. some areas are problematic and others are really nice places to live.


t1_j469moo wrote

What the hell possessed you to leave warwick and move to providence?


t1_j49xehf wrote

Providence has some really nice neighborhoods. Smith hill is not one of them. Even Smith hill is not so bad on most streets though. You definitely need to learn ins and outs of the city. But once you do it's actually a great place to live.

It has some great walkable neighborhoods. I sold my car. I love it up here. It all depends on what you are looking for. Warwick isn't for everyone.


t1_j47gw2b wrote

Honestly, it doesn't sound like you're in a position to move. Your budget is low for the current market, it sounds like your credit score isn't great, and you're going to fuck up your future by breaking the lease.

I understand that the situation sucks, but you're not doing yourself any favors by getting aggressive with the neighbor. And living in the hood, it's not a good idea to get the police involved.

Get some ear plugs, stop communicating with the neighbor, and deal with it until your lease ends.


t1_j45qh0b wrote

shoveling snow, raking leaves - you won't have the energy or time to do it once you move in. personally, i have some red flags about you as a tenant based on your writing style, but it might that you have like PTSD from being a victim of a crime and living next to disruptive aggressive loud people in an unsafe area.


t1_j460uso wrote

Red flags based their writing style?! That’s such a weird conclusion to come to since this post was well written and provided all the details needed to understand the situation. I mean, this person is flustered and still used correct grammar unlike you who didn’t even bother to capitalize your “i”.


t1_j45rmzr wrote

What the fuck do you mean? I used to shovel snow at my last rental. No time or energy? Red flags because of writing style? Are you some kind of fucktard or something?


t1_j49ws05 wrote

well you didn't rake the leaves, did you? but you like to swear and use the F word - not a red flag at all. i think you may be talking about yourself maybe.


t1_j45y6vy wrote

Do you know how many people would consider themselves lucky to be in your situation because they don't have any housing at all? You sound like a spoiled trust fund brat. It's not possible to be harmed by Street crime in Providence unless you're an absolute God damn idiot who's doing shit they're not supposed to be doing. Most of the aggressive crackheads in Rhode Island live in Pawtucket and even then if you stay away from the public parks you'll be fine. With the governor sending cops to beat the shit out of homeless people near the State House, you have no right to call your situation an "emergency." You want to see some hoodrat shit? Head to the deep South where I grew up. Everybody's fucked up on bath salts and lean and God knows what else. I know at least five people who have OD on lean alone and I never hear about people taking that shit up here.
