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maybebullshitmaybe t1_j47egyx wrote

Agreed. Ever since then I've been totally weary of the city. I moved out the following week, broke my lease and all I dc. And I'm just more fearful in general but I've talked to prolly 10 ppl who have experienced similar personally nevermind the news stories and it's 100% no disrespect/shit on anyone who lives there, I lived there myself and at one point thought it was a cool place.

It's more or less just upset that somewhere I wanted to be once upon a time ago is over run by crime and losers. Even when I drive thru now it's just like wtf. Maybe 6 weeks ago I went out to a bar with a friend. On our way home I saw a group of people fist fighting and kicking a guy on the ground stomping on him. It's like...not a good (even ok) place anymore. I won't even go back for a bar/club now. I just wish it wasn't so crime ridden and I don't fully get why or when it got so bad. 10 years ago even I loved being there, it wasn't perfect but's way worse now. EP I'd still visit and my cousin lives on the east side in a good neighborhood but most of prov is scary these days sadly.

And yes waterplace park is out of sight in hindsight (20/20). The guy who ran and helped me was in a friggin full suit and tie. I don't even kno his name but he's my God damn hero. He chased off 3 guys and a girl wailing on me. People like that restore my faith in humanity cuz he could've turned and ignored it but chose to help and risk his own safety. I hope that dude has wonderful karma.


Creativeusername962 t1_j47kh4s wrote

I wonder if higher foot traffic in the city would result in less random crime like that.

Also that guy is a hero!


maybebullshitmaybe t1_j496sjj wrote

He really was. And I dk. We need higher foot traffic of bros like him. Not thieves and shit sacks.


Creativeusername962 t1_j49lq4m wrote

Yeah that’s what I mean. Just higher foot traffic of people going to and coming from work. Especially at night more people going to restaurants, bars, etc.