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BrandonC41 t1_j69aqs0 wrote

Reply to comment by N8710 in Favorite RI bagels? by fill-in-theblank

Rebelle is my favorite too. Why all the down votes?


N8710 t1_j69axqy wrote

The owner is not loved in the community, also a lot of past and present employees call it a toxic work environment.. but hot damn those pastrami lox are too good!


FrutaFertil t1_j6d1vuw wrote

Present employees are trashing Rebelle? Where? I’ve only seen threads from one former employee in the beginning of the pandemic, the rest is just pedestrians. I don’t think I’ve seen any recent threads with real life actual present employees trashing Rebelle


FrutaFertil t1_j6g7w6e wrote

Don’t downvote me, show me the receipts y’all


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j69bj3r wrote

At a minimum it’s because bagels aren’t supposed to be squishy like a roll. Both rebelle and PVD err on the side of soft, entirely wrong texture for a genuine bagel that’s why.


FrutaFertil t1_j6d1o4o wrote

Rebelle bagels are not squishy at all. Have you even tried them? If anything the complaints are that they are hard and chewy. Which is how bagels are supposed to be anyway.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j6d2fmu wrote

Yes I have and no the texture is wrong. Same thing with PVd bagels / my bagel should taste like a bagel not a roll. It was bad every time I went so I stopped going @rebelle. Maybe they’ve started to err in the wrong direction (like seven stars does with their brittle croissants) - either way that’s not a bagel. BG is spot on.

(Also - “have you even tried them”? No I just sit on Reddit and make up replies. What kind of a rebuttal is that?)


rustybullrake t1_j6dsuhy wrote

Fun exercise: Take a look at that account's comment history and tell me whether you think it's the owner of Rebelle or not.


FrutaFertil t1_j6ete57 wrote

Yup she pays me to rep her on Reddit. True story. 😂🤭


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_j6f7m8d wrote

Does she pay you in bagels and wine?


FrutaFertil t1_j6g6vt0 wrote

That sounds pretty good actually! I bet she has good taste in wine if the food is any indication 😂

Now I’m wondering if you’re stalking me on Reddit??